Book Day and Tricantina authors, by AM3C

Book Day and Tricantina authors, by AM3C
Book Day and Tricantina authors, by AM3C

On April 23, International Book Day was celebrated. As every year, an almost infinite variety of works have taken to the streets to the delight of readers, and at the beginning of May the Book Fair will be held in our town, in which, with the help of the City Council, all this literary offering will be given visibility. .

From the Tres Cantos Women’s Association we have also wanted to contribute our grain of sand to this castle of culture and letters and we have decided to offer our neighbors the possibility of expanding their vision of the cultural life of Tres Cantos.

There are other writers beyond the big publishing labels, little brothers, but part of the family of authors, creators of dreams and stories that delight the reader who dares to choose one of their titles and get lost in their pages.

Maybe they weren’t the first choice. They may not have been “the most popular” at the dance, but that doesn’t mean that when the music ends, they couldn’t have become the love of our lives.

Today we will present three local authors with profiles and works that are very different from each other.

First of all, and for all those who have small children, we will talk about Nalayo, the stage name behind which Nilda stands, an entrepreneur, painter and screenwriter who has a light and tenderness that permeates all of her work. Venezuelan by origin, she is a fighter for whom children are of vital importance.

His work revolves around children, illustrated books with messages of improvement and vital learning, which will accompany you throughout the years.

We recommend titles like The Origin of the Sun either The Blind Eagle. The Magic Orca will go on sale soon, a beauty with texts and illustrations, once again, by the author herself.

For those readers more interested in the past of our elders, in the stories of those who have left or may leave soon, we present Rosana Hernández Álamo. The author has two published works, The Daughter of the Past, a novel that explores the mystery of some archaeological finds in the town of Liétor and its Muslim occupation and unites it with a story of new beginnings and improvement. His second novel, To your Vera, It is a song to our mothers and grandmothers and the courage and effort that have made them silent protagonists of our history.

Currently, Rosana is writing her third novel. Themes that can be found in her work are loneliness, old age, mental health and the invisible strength of women.

Finally, allow me to introduce myself, I am Roma Guardiola and I write contemporary romance in which I offer a reflection on identity, independence and how love and friendship can save a person. I also write urban fantasy, in which readers can explore exotic legends from distant countries brought to city landscapes in a maelstrom of action and mystery.

Both my romantic novel, The game, like my fantasy, Sacrifice, They are available along with the works of my colleagues, on Amazon.

The Tres Cantos Women’s Association has wanted to give visibility, once again, to the female potential of our city through these three examples. The association wanted to expose the rich and fruitful inner life of the city’s women, women for whom art and creativity take various forms, which we invite them to explore and also, why not, to reproduce without fear.

Do you have the courage to bring out the work inside you? The treasures hidden inside you trust you to say yes” (Jack Gilbert).

Author: Roma Guardiola

Tres Cantos Women’s Association. Growing Together

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of its authors. Press Norte does not necessarily share the opinions reflected and therefore is not responsible for them.

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