3 mystery and action novels that have hooked readers of The Da Vinci Code and Red Queen from the first page

One of the genres that have entertained me the most since I was a child are mystery and action novels. From time to time I have to ‘degrease’ more ‘cultural’ novels and I like to read an exciting book, a ‘thriller’ with its murders, its unthinkable twists, its villains, its impeccable police officers who know what to do from the beginning to the end. end of a case, characters that don’t seem like what they are… I started as a child with the mysteries of ‘The Five’ and Agatha Christie and there isn’t a season that doesn’t get me hooked on a good novel of this genre.

If you liked novels like ‘The Da Vinci Code’ or ‘Red Queen’, here are some suggestions that will surely hook you. We go first to the American towns, which give a lot of themselves, and to a story of a terrible serial killer who seems to haunt the protagonist. The Spanish contribution is an addictive novel that presents us with a possible Boko Haram attack in Madrid, while we finish our review in Colombia, a country full of attractions but with a harsh reality that often surpasses fiction. Forward.

‘Don’t go out at night’ (Stacy Willingham)

Motus Don’t go out at night

It caused a real sensation just three years ago, when it came out in the United States, ‘The New York Times’ recommended it and lovers of the genre went crazy to buy it. Max also bought the rights, which is preparing a series with Emma Stone. ‘Don’t go out at night’ (Motus) It is an addictive thriller full of twists and very intelligent, capable of making something mysterious that doesn’t seem so mysterious. Stacy Willingham’s novel introduces us to Chloe Davis, who at the age of 12 learned that her father was a serial killer and that he had killed six girls in the town. Since then, she had to suffer harassment and vandalism from neighbors, her family was destroyed and she fell into anxiolytics. Twenty years later, in another location, she has rebuilt her life… until another serial killer appears whose modus operandi is similar to that of her father.

Pages: 400

‘Silver dolphins’ (Félix García Hernán)

Alreves Silver dolphins

Félix García Hernán’s first novel was republished last year by his current publisher, Alrevés, and brings us an exciting story very much in line with the rest of his detective books (we already talked in Elle.es about ‘Days without sun’ and ‘ Shepherds of evil’). Maybe the title sounds familiar to you ‘Silver dolphins’ because it was adapted to the cinema by Javier Elorrieta with Rodolfo Sancho in the role of Inspector Javier Gallardo, the great character created by García Hernán. On this occasion, the author’s experience as a hotel director gives him a voice to narrate a story whose core is a luxury hotel in Madrid, which serves as an operations center for Boko Haram to organize an attack in the capital. A book with dynamic, bold and very, very entertaining writing that you will devour in a couple of days.

Pages: 376

‘Colombian Psycho’ (Santiago Gamboa)

Alfaguara Colombian Psycho

Colombian Psycho

Violence, sex and a lot of Colombian reality shown with all the rawness possible. Mystery, fiction and reality combine in ‘Colombian Psycho’ (Alfaguara), the latest novel by author Santiago Gamboa, a very talented author who offers a lot of detail and explicit content in his writing. The action begins in the mountains of La Calera, east of Bogotá, where some human bones are discovered. Prosecutor Jutsiñamuy, agent Laiseca, the team and journalist Julieta Lezama will join the investigation to unravel a chain of atrocious crimes.

Pages: 592

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