Interview. Presentation of the book “They dance with everyone” in San Nicolás

Interview. Presentation of the book “They dance with everyone” in San Nicolás
Interview. Presentation of the book “They dance with everyone” in San Nicolás

Like every event carried out by the Ricotero culture, “when the night is darkest the day comes in your heart”, contrary to usual, we entered the Zorzal during the day and left at night, but the day illuminated our hearts as it fell the same. The event was led by the presentation of the book “They dance with everyone” by Marcela Garavano in conversation with Juan Lucas Andrín, followed by the performance of the band El Gordo Tramposo from Villa Constitución together with musicians from Nicolás, thus culminating the evening.

The literary proposal focused on female figures and recreating the context of the stories through women. The reader is invited to imagine and play, exploring what the author imagined and giving a real context to the stories.

In a context hostile to culture, the work is presented as a microact of resistance. At the same time, it highlights the importance of artistic events that guide and constitute people.

The book is made up of stories that tell women’s stories, stories that are not easy, and regarding 3J, it began to be written when women burst onto the political scene shouting “Ni Una Menos.” In this sense, in a back-and-forth talk at Zorzal, the transformation in female representation in the field of rock and literature stands out, marking a significant change. Although it is not defined as a feminist book, it is directed towards redemption and the concept of freedom for each of the protagonists.

From La Izquierda Diario we participated in the event and interviewed the author:

1. Tell us Marcela what the book is about:
“They dance with everyone” is a book of stories based on the female characters in the lyrics of Indio Solari during his time as leader of Los Redondos and also some during his solo stage. They are stories of women who star in stories. Stories that have ferocity and tenderness. It is an invitation to learn about those stories based on that incentive and impulse that Solari’s poetry gives.

2. What do you think is the contribution you are making with the publication of this book and what audience are you targeting?
I think there are particular things happening for the book. It is not designed for a rich audience, what I understand is that those people who are intrigued by Indio’s lyrics are going to find some winks, they are going to connect a little faster with the stories, I don’t necessarily meet a lot of people of different ages that has nothing to do with the albums and with the Indio, who has read them and then connects with the lyrics or the music, so the process can be the other way around. So diverse people have read it, from so many different backgrounds and they have all found something, that is a bit of the challenge, to generate in a context in which culture is under question, is an instance. Above all, a fact like today, that a group of people can get together to talk about literature, music, rock, with the role that culture has always had in our history, almost a dream, but it does awaken something that It has to do with being moved, with imagining or pulling some type of action, the dream has practically come true.

The presentation of the book “They dance with everyone” in San Nicolás was a significant event that highlighted the importance of female stories and their impact on today’s society. The book is published by “Nido de Vacas Ediciones”, which is a publishing house that publishes Buenos Aires authors. The cover of the book was in charge of Rocambole.

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