Six years of books – Gaceta UDG

Six years of books – Gaceta UDG
Six years of books – Gaceta UDG

“We have the vocation to share knowledge and culture, and beyond that also sow our seed to have an impact on the community, on young people,” commented the Director of the Carlos Fuentes Bookstore, Verónica Mendoza, within the framework of the sixth anniversary of this space located in the University Cultural Center.

“It is a space for reflection and sharing. Currently, we have 70 thousand titles on display. We are the largest bookstore in Mexico at the moment in terms of volume, space and cultural activity.”

Its offer is made up of 7 thousand books and 400 publishers, about 120 thematic areas, among which are: narrative, social sciences, children and youth, human development, pure applied sciences, etc. Count on 48 thousand electronic titles, as well as 27 thousand print-on-demand titlesa catalog that is online and takes seven to ten days to arrive.

The bookstore has expanded its work with the opening of a module in the University Center for Economic-Administrative Sciences, which seeks to provide service to all visitors to the campus, both academics, administrators and students.

Likewise, it has a headquarters in Lagos de Moreno, with a large exhibition area of ​​260 square meters.

To celebrate his six years of service from the University Cultural Center (CCU), organizes a series of activities from June 6 to 9which you can consult in its downloadable program:

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