from the 75th anniversary of Orwell and his ‘1984’ to the return of ‘Mad Max’ screenwriter Terry Hayes

from the 75th anniversary of Orwell and his ‘1984’ to the return of ‘Mad Max’ screenwriter Terry Hayes
from the 75th anniversary of Orwell and his ‘1984’ to the return of ‘Mad Max’ screenwriter Terry Hayes

In the middle of the Madrid Book Fair, we recover the pages of George Orwell in ‘1984’ on the occasion of its anniversary. This is the selection of the week.

75 years of George Orwell’s dystopia

Considered by The New York Times as one of the most influential books of the last 125 years, we revisit this science fiction classic on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. In the futuristic London of 1984, the Thought Police, like Big Brother, controls the lives of citizens in a suffocating way. A message of the danger that totalitarian governments represent in a perverse gear.


  • George Orwell
  • Pocket-size
  • 352 pages
  • Price: €8.50

The new thriller by Terry Hayes, author of ‘I Am Pilgrim’ and ‘Mad Max’

The writing of the implacable by Terry Hayes, author of the international success I Am Pilgrim (with more than 5 million copies and the blessing of The Times), returns. A geopolitical thriller with cinematic overtones that takes us from Washington to Iran, passing through Russia and New York. The author of The Year of the Locust, a great observer of politics, has written the scripts for the blockbusters Mad Max 2 and 3, Vertical Limit and Total Calm.

‘The year of the locust’

  • Terry Hayes
  • Planet
  • 848 pages
  • Price: €22.71

The adventures of the events journalist Socorro

The new installment of the journalistic adventures of Socorro, the crime reporter who is the protagonist of The Bad Victim, arrives. The action takes place on the La Mancha farm of the millionaire and influential Lequerica sisters, owners of the newspaper where the protagonist works. The young pen returns to the place where some unsolved crimes were perpetrated in the 90s, which sparked a wave of social morbidity: the kidnapping and murder of two girls.

‘Where the arrow falls’

  • Emilia Mendiluce and Rosa Belmonte
  • Espasa
  • 360 pages
  • Price: €19.85

When the Gran Vía became New York

A history of Americanization in interwar Spain, written by professor and member of the Royal Academy of History Juan Francisco Fuentes. A happy time and also nationalist and puritan. Yankeeland, as Unamuno called it, became the model of civilization and a fantasy world to which countries aspired, including Spain, which was in post-war trouble.

‘Welcome, Mister Chaplin’

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