The LGTB + plot of ‘The Bridgertons’ that has surprised fans and that was not in the books


Will the next season star a gay couple?

The premiere of the second part of the third season of The Bridgertons has caused a real stir among both fans of the books and the Netflix series. Among other things, those responsible for the fiction have created an LGTBI+ subplot that was not contemplated in the literary saga written by Julia Quinn. It is true that there were already rumors that something like this would happen, especially when Jess Brownell -author and producer of the series- has promised that there will be more representation queer in The Bridgertons. The fact is that, in this last batch of episodes (attention, spoilers), one of the brothers of the protagonist family has his first bisexual relationship. This is Benedict, who is supposed to be the center of the story of the fourth season of this popular production. In the novels none of this happens but the series has taken so many licenses that we are not surprised by what could happen.

If it is characterized by something The Bridgertons It is due to their formal breakup. The saga written by Julia Quinn already represented a certain modernization of the 19th century English romantic novel, mixing the customs of the time with bold, sexually active characters and more current narrative codes (what she did was, basically, bring together Jane Austin with Gossip Girl). But the series went further. To begin with, a multicultural casting was done (when it was unthinkable that in 1813 there would be people of different races within the social elite). That, in addition to an anachronistic soundtrack that adapts current songs, attractive actors, a lot of eroticism, plots worthy of a soap opera and exquisite visual packaging, turn the series into the panacea of ​​the modern mainstream.

The production company behind The Bridgertons, Shondaland, is owned by Shonda Rimesvery powerful creator of fiction (hers are Grey’s Anatomy either scandal) and a great activist for LGTB + rights, so many viewers wondered, at the origins of the series, if there would be representation queer.

Benedict and his bisexual experience

Although in the first season of The Bridgertons it was possible to see how Benedict, the second brother of the family, knew a famous painter who hid his homosexuality, the plot did not give more of itself. In the new chapters, however, the character has taken a step further.

Luke Thompson plays Benedict Bridgerton.

On this occasion, the character played by Luke Thompson becomes obsessed with Lady Tilley Arnold, a widow older than him with whom he has intense sexual encounters.. She, at one point, introduces him to another lover and they both offer the young Bridgerton to participate in a threesome, something that, after thinking about it, he accepts.

‘The Bridgertons’.

Is Francesca attracted to a woman?

In the last episode of season 3 we also have a surprise in store. Francesca, one of the Bridgerton sisters, after marrying the man she supposedly loves, meets a cousin of his who leaves her speechless. Although no more specific details are given, everything indicates that there could be attraction between the two women.

Will Benedict be the protagonist of the fourth season?

In an interview with the media L’Beaute Hommethe actor Luke Newton who plays Colin Brigderton, the main protagonist of this third season that has just premiered on Netflix, has given clues about the future of the series. The interpreter was asked why another fictional role he would have liked to play in The Bridgertons and stated: “I can’t see myself as any other character.” However, he added that “I love Benedict’s storyline this season.” [en referencia a la tercera temporada], it’s very free and I think it’s a nice place to be. He is a free spirit and a rebel. I’m looking forward to seeing their story in the next season.
These words have been interpreted by many fans of the series as meaning that it could be Benedict, the second Bridgerton brother, who stars in the adventures of the fourth season of fiction. And it is time for this to happen.”

Let us remember that, if we followed the order of the novels, the third season would have revolved around Benedict Bridgerton (protagonist of the third book), but the producers decided to skip the original order since they had planted the plot between Penelope and Colin from the first chapter . Bénedict, however, has had quite gratuitous secondary plots since the beginning of this fiction created by Chris Van Dusen.

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