The Deliberative Council created a “Special Book” to regulate the purchase and sale of scrap metal – El Día de Gualeguaychú

The Deliberative Council created a “Special Book” to regulate the purchase and sale of scrap metal – El Día de Gualeguaychú
The Deliberative Council created a “Special Book” to regulate the purchase and sale of scrap metal – El Día de Gualeguaychú

The Honorable Deliberative Council of the city of Gualeguaychú calls for a meeting this Friday, June 14 at 10, in which councilors and vice mayors from various localities of the Department will participate, with the purpose of presenting and discussing the modifications made to Ordinance 11871/ 14, which regulates the purchase and sale of scrap metal in our city. The objective is to replicate this initiative in other areas of the department.

As a result of the increase in theft of non-ferrous metals such as electricity cables, cemetery plaques, manhole covers, motorcycles, bicycles, among others for later commercialization, the block of councilors of Together for Entre Ríos proposed modifying Ordinance 11871/ 14 in relation to their sale.

It was analyzed and agreed upon by the Safety, Public Use, Bromatology and Qualifications Commission. Contribution was also received from the Departmental Police, the Planning Directorate, the Transit Directorate and the General Inspection Directorate. Finally, the modification project was approved unanimously by the councilors of the three blocks.

During the collection of information, it was discovered that existsat the moment, a single establishment, dedicated to the sector, with authorization while the rest have been in operation for several years without being in order. The new regulation seeks to reduce the number of crimes and control the purchase and sale of this type of materials that affect citizens and public safety.

Among the new provisions, the creation of a Special Book where the movements and stocks of non-ferrous metals and potentially safety-sensitive waste will be recorded, which will be signed by the Directorate of General Inspection as the enforcement authority. In this book will be recorded:

a) Names, surname, identity document and real and, where applicable, commercial address of the seller and buyer.
b) Modalities of sale carried out, specifying description and registration data – when applicable – of the marketed good, also detailing the date, number and amount of the official receipt issued on the occasion of the commercial operation carried out. In all cases there must be an exact correspondence between the material described – in terms of weight, characteristics and condition – in the signed book, the documentation proving its acquisition and legal possession, its disposal and the stocks in storage.
c) Records of transportation, with data on the transport or freight company, copies of the billing for that service and the obligation for said company to have commercial registration. In the case of ferrous waste, the transport company must have the corresponding special approval for that type of transport.

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