Books About The Father Figure – El Diario MX

Books About The Father Figure – El Diario MX
Books About The Father Figure – El Diario MX

MEXICO CITY, June 17, (Agencies)

There are as many books as there are fathers and sons (there is even one called that, “Fathers and Sons,” by Ivan Turgenev). Hemingway dedicated a long story to “his old man.” Juan Rulfo narrated the search for his father through “Pedro Páramo”; Taking advantage of Father’s Day, we share five books about the father figure.

Cormac McCarthy’s Highway

Cormac McCarthy left his readers more than three decades ago with their hearts beaten at the end of a road. This book includes all the best that a father can give a son: the promise of his absolute love in the fantasy of an apocalyptic world to the surrender of his own life.

Letter to the father of Franz Kafka

It was going to be a simple (or not so simple) letter, and it ended up becoming a book. A short book, but an immense book like the immensity of the father, Hermann Kafka, compared to the smallness of the son, the author, Franz Kafka. This is the precise analysis of a parental relationship.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Of all Jane Austen’s feminine festival, the schematic father, drawn as if in charcoal, is nevertheless one of the central characters of the novel beyond the fact that his death precipitates everything. The memory of the good and loving man, concerned about the future of his family and his daughters, is the archetype of a great father.

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

The father as the ghost that appears to the son after the family drama of Prince Hamlet who sees how his uncle, after the death of the king, marries his mother. The “to be or not to be, that is the question”, the doubt about human existence, the dilemma of not knowing if the ghost of his father is really his father or is the result of his alienation, or the dilemma faced with the request of his father and his own character and ideas.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Jane Austen’s sketch in “Pride and Prejudice” becomes a book by and about Harper Lee’s father, who won the Pulitzer Prize with this novel in 1961. Here we talk about childhood, the mystery of life and its difficulties, her doubts and admiration for Atticus Finch, the hero of the story with a social background, through the child’s eyes of her daughter Scout, the narrator.

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