“I found the tools that helped me with anxiety

“I found the tools that helped me with anxiety
“I found the tools that helped me with anxiety

Overwhelmed with feelings when she was in the midst of her anxiety, the Bogotá writer Paola Sur, who has lived in the United States for several years, felt the need to write what was going through her mind and heart through a blog, without knowing that Other people were going through the same situation as her.

It was then that she realized that anxiety was an issue that had to be talked about, since not all people are able to understand and accept that they have a mental health problem. The writer knows this only too well, as she was diagnosed at the age of 27, living with this disorder for almost two decades, 100% aware of her own chimera.

Exploring the anxiety disorder in depth was a decision that Paola made above all to heal. She found tools that allowed her to advance in the fight against a monster that is not easy to control.

“From that moment on, the answers were given to lead a more pleasant life and I began to write the chapters and lessons. I was very inspired by being able to motivate people who are suffering from anxiety, it is important that they know that there are solutions and that you can talk openly about this without any problem,” said Paola.

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