Lines for Cristina Pedroche’s book signing: “Thank you because reading you me…

Lines for Cristina Pedroche’s book signing: “Thank you because reading you me…
Lines for Cristina Pedroche’s book signing: “Thank you because reading you me…

“I have to thank you because reading you has helped me a lot.” Visibly excited, Cristina arrived excitedly to meet another Cristina this rainy afternoon in Zaragoza in a crowded Cultural Area of ​​El Corte Inglés. One of them was the first in a long line and the other one of the best-known presenters in Spain. Cristina Pedroche arrived today to the Aragonese capital ready to sign his first book “Thanks to fear” after having already done it in other Spanish cities.

Punctually at 6:00 p.m., the doors of the space opened allowing Cristina (the first in line) to enter followed by dozens of people. She had been waiting for almost an hour before the start of the signing, because she did not want to miss the opportunity to chat as much as possible with the presenter. With a hug, a smile, a photo to remember and a dedication in the book, she gave way to the next and so on for a good part of the afternoon.

In line, many mothers with many babies “all beautiful” (as the presenter claimed) who did not hesitate to congratulate her on her book and confessed that they felt represented by what was in it. And “Thanks to fear” “Thanks to fear” is a personal and reflective testimony in which the presenter tells the complicated “psychological postpartum” what she has gone through since her daughter Laia was born on July 14 of last year.

“They tell me to write down everything I feel, but it’s very difficult to express it. I can’t even find the words when my family asks me how to write it down… But here I am, doing my best to try to explain myself. Throughout These months I have been collecting ideas in the form of texts, giving meaning to my emotions, with the aim that it would do me good; that it would be a way to alleviate pain, anxiety, fear,” the presenter opens in a book that since it was presented in El Hormiguero has crept into the number 1 best seller.

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