10 romantic novels that raise passions on Amazon

10 romantic novels that raise passions on Amazon
10 romantic novels that raise passions on Amazon

We always say that you have to get the youngest people used to the healthy reading habit. But this is very difficult if you don’t see it in adults, because we end up putting books aside with the frenetic pace of daily life.

That is why, from Lecturas we have proposed that you recover the habit of reading a good book. And with that, everything that the passion for reading: find your moment of relaxation, disconnect from the rhythm of life, learn new stories…

10 romantic novels that you can start in less than 24 hours

Whether you are already a regular reader or if you haven’t read a good book in a while, we have made a selection of titles in the favorite genre of our readers: the romantic novel. You will find classics, current best-sellers and some of the most recent, with their Amazon link so you can have it at home as soon as possible.


The romantic novel, ideal to fall in love with reading again

Surely there is already a title that has caught your attention and you have taken a look at the plot. The romantic novel is a ideal genre to recover the passion for reading. As with any romantic relationship, the mystery and novelty of meeting new characters and stories is an exciting incentive to continue page after page.

Thanks to the adaptations that have been made for film and television, many taboos have been broken around a genre that until recently seemed forbidden. The new titles place women at the center of the story, and the classics are reviewed from a gender perspective that does justice to the role of women in past centuries.

The romantic novel, better on paper

An important tip: opt for paper editions rather than on Kindle, as a way to disconnect from our “digital life” and for our little ones to learn that paper books are not just for school.

Thanks to Amazon Prime service, you will have most of the titles in 24 hours.

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