Amazon Spain Books: What to Read Before Going to Sleep

Amazon Spain Books: What to Read Before Going to Sleep
Amazon Spain Books: What to Read Before Going to Sleep

From comics to romance novels, Amazon’s ranking of best-selling books in Spain works like a snapshot of preferences. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Books are a strong opponent for streaming platforms, because just like Netflix, HBO and Disney, these stories are capable of captivating those who consume them. This has been realized amazona platform that has opted for the sale of these.

And despite having emerged centuries ago, the book has gone through a series of technological innovations that have allowed us to improve not only the conservation and reproduction of texts, but also access to information and entertainment.

Thus, we are now far from the printing of The Diamond Sutra, the oldest printed book still preserved, which, according to calculations, was distributed in the year 868 by the Chinese Wang Jie; or from 1440, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press and gave birth to the first book in the modern era called The Gutenberg Bible or Mazarin Bible, which consisted of 1,282 pages with 42 lines each.

Today readers can choose to read titles in paperback format or even access the digital tablets and Kindle, which is Amazon’s exclusive book reader.

However, one of the problems that can arise in today’s fast-paced world can be the audacity to choose what to read facing a wave of titles and authors from various genres and countries, although the list of the 10 most popular titles updated by Amazon Spain could be a good guide to know which text to read next.

1. My Dear Lucia – Luminescent First Limited Edition: Could I Have Prevented Their Deaths? (Novel)

Author: The Blonde Neighbor

2. Goodbye to inflammation. How to Prevent Disease, Slow Aging, and Lose Weight (HarperCollins)

Author: Sandra Moñino

3. Destroy this diary. Now in full color (Libros Singulares)

Author: Keri Smith

4. The Duke and I (Bridgerton 1) (Titania era)

Author: Julia Quinn

5. Heading to… 2nd. (Vacation notebooks)

Author: Diego Montero Dominguez

6. Heading to… 3rd. (Vacation notebooks)

Author: Diego Montero Dominguez


Author: Santillana Group 2020


Author: Santillana Group 2020

9. Heading to… 5th. (Vacation notebooks)

Author: Diego Montero Dominguez


Author: Santillana Group 2020

*Note: Some books may not have an author because the platform does not provide it.

For buy books on Amazon All you have to do is have an account on said platform and then type the title of the work in the search engine and then click on “buy”. You can add more than one item to your cart and checkout later.

Mining Palace International Book Fair. (Pedro Anza/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

He number of readers in Spain increased gradually since the coronavirus pandemic, managing to consolidate itself among the youngest, according to the report from the Barometer of Reading and Book Purchasing Habits 2023 presented by the Ministry of Culture and Sport.

It details that in the last 10 years the reading rate of Spaniards has increased by 5.7%. 64.8% use their free time to read; However, when it comes to comic book readers, the figure increases to 66.2 percent.

By considering only those that they read for leisure in their free time the percentage was 64.8%, a figure slightly higher than the previous annual measurement and which reaches 66.2% when comic book readers are also added.

When making a comparison with the figures that have been recorded in the last decade, the reading rate in the leisure had an increase of 5.7%; the “frequent readers” they remained at 52.5%; while those considered as “occasional” have only shown a slight increase of 0.4 percentage points.

Although reading figures have gradually come closer to the European average, the report reveals that there is still a significant number of Spaniards who never read (35.2%). In this regard, 44% indicate that the main reason is that they do not have free time; 30.6% prefer to invest their time in other types of entertainment such as walking, resting or watching movies and series; 29.3% recognized a lack of interest; and 0.9% said they had vision or health problems.

The survey also shows that women read more than men, at a rate of 69.9% versus 59.5%. By ageit is found that the section with the largest reading population is that between 14 and 24 years old and which represents 74.2% of the total.

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