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‘The Bad Habit’ by Alana S. Portero, among Dua Lipa’s favorite books

Divine equipment 05/22/2024 1:45 p.m.


No introduction needed. Dua Lipa is one of the most listened to singers in the world and one of the most sought after and loved celebrities today. Beyond music, the British woman of Albanian origin has become a style icon and is one of the women most sought after by brands. Everything she does about it goes viral and her figures support it: she accumulates almost 90 million followers on Instagram and 77 million monthly listeners on Spotify.

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Beyond the world of music and fashion, Dua Lipa dedicates her time to reading, his other great passion. An inveterate reader since the cradle, she created in 2021 ‘Service 95′, an online platform where it recommends books and share content related to culture and lifestyle. Currently, the Instagram account has more than 311,000 followers and the project that began as a hobby has become a success.

In one of her latest publications in ‘Service 95’, Dua Lipa has written an article recommending your six favorite translated books. On the occasion of the Brooker Awards gala, where the best novels and short story collections from all over the world translated into English are chosen, the artist wanted recommend your favorite readings and pay tribute to universal stories that triumph around the world, regardless of whether they were written in a language other than English.

Dua Lipa recommends ‘The Bad Habit’ by Alana S. Portero

Among the six books that she has recommended, the singer has highlighted ‘The bad habit’ by the Spanish writer, poet and LGTBI+ activist Alana S. Portero. This novel is about the story of a trans girl “trapped” in a body “that she does not know how to inhabit.”

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In addition to this Spanish novel, Dua Lipa has recommended ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’ by Milan Kundera, ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’ by Gabriel García Márquez, ‘The Great Friend’ by Elena Ferrante, ‘Norwegian Wood’ by Haruki Murakami and ‘To the Friend Who Didn’t Save Me’ by Hervé Guibert.

The effects of recommending a book

Beyond Dua Lipa and her literary project, many other celebrities have also recommended books that have marked them at some point in their lives to their followers, as is the case with Rosalia. Two months ago, the Catalan recommended ‘I love Dick’, a veiled autobiography about author Chris Kraus’s love obsession with sociologist Dick Hedbige. After taking the reading on networks, book sales increased previously stagnant until the Catalan artist shared it on networks, as some Spanish bookstore owners confirmed to ‘La vanguard’. “Not so much that the edition sold out right away, but several hundred copies were placed in just a week. We published this edition a couple of years ago and sales were already somewhat stagnant, so this has given it a new life. We will reprint soon “, declared the publisher ‘Alpha Decay’ when Rosalía shared that reading.

When a celebrity recommends a book, sales of that title skyrocket and the readings go viral on social networks, causing a great impact among the followers of celebrities and even selling out the recommended titles in bookstores, regardless of the publication date. In fact, on more than one occasion, a recommendation from Dua Lipa has rescued “forgotten” books, causing a reprint of the titles due to high demand.

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