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What is The Angry Mass about? Douglas Murray explains the origin of the new postmodern ideology

The Douglas Murray’s Angry Mass It was published for the first time in 2019, although in Mexico the first printed edition will arrive in 2024 through Ediciones Culturales Paidós.

The book addresses, through 380 pages, the origin of postmodern ideologyunderstanding this historical period from the end of the 20th century almost bordering on the 21st century.

And trying to explain how the emptiness caused by the fall of the great cultural stories comes to be occupied by an incipient ideology that tries to give meaning to contemporary life.

The book The Angry Mass by Douglas Murray (The basement)

What does the book The Angry Mass by Douglas Murray talk about?

The author Douglas Murray 44 years old, is politically assigned within what It is considered conservatism and the book The Angry Mass. How identity politics drove the world to madness would be proof of that.

The author’s objective with The Enraged Mass is to try to understand how contemporary unrest originatedwhich he places in what he calls the fall of the great stories and gives rise to postmodern ideology.

According to Douglas Murray, the fall occurred in the last quarter of a century, that is, the time between 2000 and 2015, approximately.

For the author of The Enraged Mass, the emptiness of “great stories” led to the proliferation of new narratives that are constantly in dispute trying to respond. what is our purpose in the world.

“Finding meaning by declaring war on anyone who defends the wrong position on a problem whose terms may have just been reformulated and whose response was different until recently”

Douglas Murray in The Raging Mass

The book is divided into four chapters:

  1. Homo. Interlude: The Marxist foundations;
  2. Women. Interlude: The impact of technology;
  3. Race. Interlude: On forgiveness;
  4. Trans. Conclusion

The Angry Mass, a book by Douglas Murray, identifies 3 pillars at the origin of postmodern ideology

According to Douglas Murray, the postmodern ideology has the objective of establish a “new metaphysics” which he equates with a new religion based on three pillars.

The three pillars that support the woke ideology – a project that he considers the most ambitious since the Cold War – and that he later calls that in The Angry Massare:

  • social justice,
  • Identity politics, which he considers the most problematic pillar;
  • Intersectionality

Douglas Murray understands the “social justice” as an imperative that does not accept contradiction and when it happens it is perceived as an opposition to the cause itself.

The most problematic pillar would be the “identity politics” which the author of The Enraged Mass understands as a mobilization of minorities to “atomize, organize and speak out.”

For the author, it is the most problematic factor of postmodern metaphysics, due to the “ultradivision” it causes through politicization of all human interaction.

Douglas Murray believes that by becoming politicized, it is inevitable that our place and that of others will be identified within what he calls the “hierarchy of oppression.”

Finally, talk about the intersectionalitywhich considers a positioning or place within the hierarchy of the justice system that currently changes constantly.

What is Douglas Murray’s goal in writing the book The Angry Mass?

Douglas Murray considers that the new postmodern ideology It has the problem of promoting, according to him, the idea that we are incapable of living with each other.

And its objective through La Masa Enfurecida is to question the certainties of the three founding pillars of said ideology that is the product of a cultural war.

According to the author, what characterizes this postmodern ideology it is both its representation in what it calls “thought police” or cancel culture and the overreaction.

Overreaction is the phenomenon of overcompensation for past grievances in the pursuit of equality, where it is believed that society took too long to recognize racism, sexism or homophobia.

Both characteristics are, from their perspective, the result of take this ideology to the extreme without questioning to allow us to “continue thinking,” says Douglas Murray.

In Douglas Murray’s opinion, the ultimate goal of his book is not to promote greater division but to achieve a common aspiration.

This would be that no competent person is excluded of achieving something due to a characteristic for which they have no responsibility – gender, skin color or gender identity and sexual orientation.

Thus hoping that in a world lacking purpose, life will be depoliticized and simplified by seeking the meaning of life in personal relationships and the environment.

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