Marga Ferrer, a passionate dancer and painter

It is almost impossible to come across Margarita Ferrer and not see her smile. She always exudes enthusiasm, but she also transmits calm and serenity to those who deal with her.

His childhood was like that of any child of the ‘generation X’, “spending much of his time in the street playing with rubber bands, marbles, bottle caps…”, in those early years he already showed promise and What he liked most was “drawing and dancing” He especially painted “people and animals.”

And remember that at all family celebrations They asked her to get on a table to dance and she, delighted, “delighted” them with her show.

When he was older, there was a time when he became interested in fashion and he still keeps “the designs in a folder.” After He decided to train in hairdressing, although he affirms that it was “almost anecdotal”, since he recognizes that he chose it “to do something with his hands”, and although he was “good at it”, the following year He enrolled in the Huesca School of Art.

After finishing these studies she went to Zaragoza to specialize in Interior Design, which led her to work for several years in a furniture store. And it caught her attention. “all the furniture was hand painted” and it was clear to her that she wanted to do it too.

After learning all the techniques, he says, “Fabric painting and mural painting arrived” and, among other works, she was the author of the drawings that covered the walls of Rancho Chico, a well-known bar in Huesca that closed a few years ago.

Since then has not gotten rid of the brushes and other painting tools. And he has painted “everything: furniture, walls, clothes and I even learned to tattoo.”

At the same time, he began to exercise as a professor of restoration and paintingin private centers, in his own studio, and giving classes for the City Council and Ibercaja.

20 years ago he became interested in oriental danceto which she dedicated herself with great enthusiasm, first attending a large number of courses and workshops and then working “as a teacher for 15 years.”

To Marga, like many other people, The pandemic helped him “make a radical change and change the chip” and also rhythm and choreography, since now her thing is “swing and lindy hop”. This new hobby has allowed her to “attend many events, mainly festivals, travel a lot and meet a lot of people”.

From his previous stage, it stands out that it was a period in which He was interested in “things related to spirituality.” and tried to achieve this “through dancing” and also did yoga, reiki, meditation… Now, with swing, she has discovered “a lifestyle” that attracts her a lot.

For her, these types of dances are above all “fun” and have come at a time in her life when everything is “optimism and positivity”.

Animals are another of his great passions, has cats and a dog and enjoy their company while collaborating with some association.

They reward you, the hours that It happens with her students that over time “they always become friends” and with them he is “super happy.” And looking to the future he wants to have an exhibition to show his work.

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