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“We devised the 3rd Children’s and Youth Book Fair, with publishers that are not in the city,” said Rach about the meeting with the Secretary of Culture of La Pampa

Mayor Fernanda Alonso received, in the Alberto Amesgaray room of the Municipal Palace, the Secretary of Culture of La Pampa, Pablo Lucero Álvarez. The main objective of the meeting was to draw up a joint agenda of activities for the coming months of the year.

In this space there was an exchange linked to the forms of work shared between States.

In addition, the Secretary of Government, Nicolás Mendoza, was present; the director of Cultural Management, Matías Rach and the deputy director of Culture, Andrea Elizondo.

In this regard, Rach stated: “It was a meeting in which the provincial secretary was formally presented with Fernanda Alonso and, in this way, we thought about the second semester with all the proposals that, in an articulated manner, we are going to carry out. with the Pampas Government.”

He noted that “we have already designed the 3rd Children’s and Youth Book Fair, with the possibility of bringing publishers that are generally not found in the city because they are independent printers.”

“At the same time, we were jointly organizing the Festival of Winds, Strings and Percussion, which will take place from October 25 to 27. Simultaneously, we analyze the next Artistic Vacations, with the second Children’s and Youth painting room, which have already been appropriated by the Piquense community,” he added.

In line with this, he indicated: “From the municipality we are committed to supporting training through the UNA, but we need the support of the Ministry of Culture to give continuity to the artistic events in General Pico. There is an assumed commitment, considering what we have been doing since the administration.”

“They gave us a favorable feedback on what was done, on how they see us. Culture is one of the most thriving industries today and in the province that is seen happening here, valuing what is done in childhood, which is the future of all this,” she added.

Finally, he stated that “Fernanda gives us the freedom to go out and manage funds, that is why we carry out initiatives with the private sector and intermediate associations.”

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