How to call collect from Vodafone

How to call collect from Vodafone
How to call collect from Vodafone

We explain how to call collect on Vodafone. It’s very easy and fast

The recipient will assume the cost of the call

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Currently, most operators have unlimited minutes to call. This makes it easier for us to establish a call whenever we want and for as long as we want; However, there is still the possibility of calling collect. If, for any reason, we want to do so, we will explain step by step how to call collect from Vodafone. Through this, The person who receives the call will be the one who assumes its cost.

This is how you can call collect from Vodafone

To call collect from Vodafone you have two options. Both have the same conditions, they are simply two different ways of doing the same thing. They both work on both Android and iPhone. The only thing we have to do is access the Telephone app, which we use to call, and dial a prefix (in the first way) or a code (in the second). This is how it is done in each one:

  • By prefix: Dial 110 and then, immediately, the number you wish to contact. After that, press the call button.
  • By code: It’s almost the same. Dial (asterisk)110# and then the number you wish to contact. After that, press the call button.
How to call collect on Vodafone

The two ways to call collect on Vodafone

After pressing the call button, the receiving client will receive a notice indicating that a collect call has been requested with him. He must accept it to begin communication between both interlocutors; If he rejects it, the communication will be rejected.

Remember that if you lack balance or minutes, you can also call from WhatsApp or an alternative calling app. You only need an Internet connection.

How to call without balance on Vodafone

Previously we explained how to call collect on Vodafone, but It is also possible to call without balance. This is only possible for those who have a prepaid card and have exhausted their balancesince those with a contract will always have calls on their mobile.

The call without Vodafone balance consists of request an advance against your next rechargeTo do this you must meet these conditions:

The Never Without Balance service is activated by dialing (asterisk)111# and then pressing the call key. He Requestable amount is 3.50 euros and carries a cost of 0.52 euros, which are discounted during the next recharge. It is carried out within 15 minutes.

How to call collect on Vodafone

To call without balance you must dial the following code

Yeah you simply want to top up your balance at Vodafoneyou can do it through the operator’s app or through the following link to their website.

Top up your balance at Vodafone

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