The head of AI at Meta criticized Musk for his “false predictions” and “dangerous” for democracy

The head of AI at Meta criticized Musk for his “false predictions” and “dangerous” for democracy
The head of AI at Meta criticized Musk for his “false predictions” and “dangerous” for democracy

LeCun called some of Elon Musk’s public positions dangerous to democracy. (REUTERS)

Elon Musk and Yann LeCun have engaged in a series of tense public exchanges through the platform x, delving into a dispute that covers issues of business management, science and conspiracy theories. The chief scientist of artificial intelligence at Meta has harshly criticized the CEO of tesladescribing their public stances as a risk to democracy and human well-being.

NBCNews highlighted the most recent episode, which occurred on Sunday, when LeCun published a long message on x referring to Musk. Although he praised the technological advances of tesla and the satellite communication system SpaceXthe manager cataloged some of the positions of Musk on political and academic issues as dangerous.

“I believe that his public positions on many political, journalistic, media and academic issues are not only incorrect, but dangerous for democracy, civilization and human well-being,” he stated in his account.

Business Insider recalled that the dispute arose after Muskon May 27, will use x to promote vacancies at your AI startup, xAI. The company, which recently raised $6 billion in funding, competes in the engineering market. artificial intelligence with other companies such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Goal.

In response, LeCun urged potential candidates to avoid joining xAI if they couldn’t handle working for a boss who “makes unfulfillable promises” and “spreads conspiracy theories.”

The confrontation worsened after the doctor Anthony Fauciformer government official, will testify before the Congressional Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Muskwho had previously called for Fauci’s prosecution, criticized his Democratic support, leading to LeCun to publicly defend the former official. “Elon’s call to prosecute and imprison Fauci is one of the most anti-science acts he has ever done,” he said.

In another instance, the chief scientist of Goal accused the magnate of spreading “completely crazy conspiracy theories” and disparaged his acquisition and management of Twitter, pointing out that the businessman had been “naive” regarding the complexity of moderating content on a social platform. He also criticized the Tesla CEO’s tendency to take credit for other people’s achievements.

Responding to criticism, Musk posted a meme about LeCun and stated that the scientist was “disconnected from AI for a long time.”

Yann LeCun warned candidates to avoid xAI if they do not want to work under unfulfillable promises. (REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes)

NBCNews explained that the controversy also encompasses the failed predictions of Musk about the arrival of the artificial intelligence general and the unfulfilled promise to produce a million autonomous taxis for 2020. These statements have been cataloged by LeCun as “evidently false”. Likewise, the credibility of Neuralinkwhich has not yet received approval from the FDA for its devices and has only implanted its system in one human patient.

Goal has been working to differentiate itself in developing large language models (LLM), promoting their family of models Calls as open source. Meanwhile, technologies xAI, OpenAI and Google They remain closed and proprietary. This approach of Goal seeks to allow other researchers to copy, modify or use its models for their own AI initiatives.

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