What payments do they receive during June?

What payments do they receive during June?
What payments do they receive during June?

Women are one of the social groups that can receive the different bonuses and subsidies provided by the State.

The exclusive economic contributions for them have various access requirements, such as being a worker, head of household, elderly or being within one of the sections of the Social Registry of Households (RSH).

All about Women’s Benefit

In this month of June, several of the benefits that women receive will have payments available.

What bonuses do women receive in June?

Women’s Work Bonus (BTM)

Workers who are between 25 and 59 years old can receive payments from the Women’s Work Bonus. To obtain this benefit it is also necessary to be among the 40% most vulnerable, according to the Social Registry of Households (RSH).

The BTM can be requested throughout the year on the Sence website and at the time the application is made, you must choose whether you want to receive the annual or monthly payment.

This month’s payment will be delivered on Friday June 28 and it can come up to $42,377, according to the income of the beneficiary. The money can be received through deposit in a RUT Account or bank account; or withdrawing it at Banco Estado or Banco Estado Express, depending on what you chose when applying.

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Child Bonus

The Child Bonus is an economic contribution aimed at women who are biological or adoptive mothers and is delivered when the woman turns 65 years of age and retires.

The amount of the benefit begins to generate profitability from the date of birth of the child, and is equivalent to 10% of 18 minimum monthly incomes, considering the month in which the child was born, and $165 thousand for those born before July 1, 2009. .

The request for the Child Bonus can be made through ChileAtiende (both in a virtual and in-person branch) or at the AFP office to which you are affiliated. To find out if you qualify for the payment, go here.

Maternal Allowance

Pregnant workers and working men whose spouses are pregnant can receive the Maternal Allowance.

Although the benefit is provided for the entire period of pregnancy, it only begins to be paid from the fifth month of pregnancy.

The Maternal Allowance provides a monthly amount of up to $20,328 per monthalthough the amount to be received will depend on the person’s salary. The contribution request is made at a ChileAtiende service center, through the IPS Online site or through the ChileAtiende virtual branch.

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Protection Bonus

He Protection Bonusalso known as the Home Owner Bonus, is an economic benefit that is provided for a period of two years to families, but women receive it as a priority.

The only requirement to access the payment is to have accepted the invitation to participate in one of the programs of the Chile Security and Opportunities system (Families, Opening Paths, Street or Links). To obtain payment it is not necessary to apply, since it is automatically delivered to those who meet the conditions.

The amounts of this benefit were updated in February of this year and were as follows:

  • The first 6 months the bonus amounts to $22,674
  • From month 7 to month 12, the bonus is $17,256
  • From month 13 to month 18, the bonus is $11,864
  • From the 19th to the 24th month, the bonus is $20,328 (value corresponds to the amount of the Single Family Subsidy).

All about Women’s Benefit

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