Green methanol, taking advantage of the potential of renewable energies

Green methanol, taking advantage of the potential of renewable energies
Green methanol, taking advantage of the potential of renewable energies

The industry is looking for sustainable alternatives to face the challenges of the energy transition without leaving behind the economic viability of investments and, in this context, renewable methanol emerges as a promising option. Traditionally produced from fossil fuels, Options are being explored for methanol to be generated using almost exclusively renewable energy sources.

One of the most interesting ways proposed to date is through the synthesis process of methanol from carbon dioxide (CO2) and green hydrogen. In this process, CO2 is captured from industrial sources, directly from the air, or even from biomass-fueled boilers, while hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water using renewable energy.

CO2 and hydrogen are then combined in the presence of a catalyst to produce methanol and water. This approach would not only reduce carbon emissions by converting CO2 into a useful product, but also harnesses renewable energy to produce hydrogen., thus eliminating dependence on fossil fuels.

Methanol market opportunities

The business opportunities that arise from this convergence are diverse. The transition to renewable energy-based methanol production can offer companies a significant competitive advantage by reducing their dependence on volatile fossil fuel prices and aligning with global trends towards environmental sustainability. This can not only improve the company’s image, but also open new market opportunities and strengthen relationships with clients committed to sustainability.

Therefore, this transition presents business opportunities such as reducing dependence on fossil fuels, improving corporate image and access to new markets, and contributing to environmental sustainability. However, there are also challenges such as the variability of renewable sources, the initial investment required and water consumption.

INCOSA accompanies you throughout the entire process, from a conceptual phase to verifying the correct operation of the plant, developing the services of:

  • Evaluation of alternatives
  • Material and energy balance
  • Sizing and selection of technology and equipment
  • Projects for administrative processing / bidding
  • AAI – EIA
  • Analysis and solution of critical points that may interfere with the viability of the project.
  • OSBL detailed engineering (with engineering development by technologists to be specified)
  • Services during construction and during commissioning.

Solutions to water needs problems

Water consumption represents a significant challenge for sustainability and environmental responsibility. INCOSA has incorporated a group of experts in air conditioning and industrial cooling, with the aim of analyzing the technology to optimize water consumption. To do this, the specific conditions of the project and its location are analyzed, proposing water, air or hybrid cooling systems. After evaluating the first studies, water savings of close to 60% can be anticipated, compared to projects in the public information phase.

INCOSA offers solutions to face the challenges that these facilities present, with its experience in renewable, electrical and civil engineering, its collaborations in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, and the analysis of KPIs for making informed decisions about the different installations of plant.

In short, the production of renewable methanol presents a promising future for the industry and the environment, and INCOSA is prepared to accompany companies on this path.

Juan Luis Muñoz Fernández is head of H2V projects at INCOSA.

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