«Recovo connects companies with circular fabrics and sustainable solutions, promoting the reuse of materials, recycling and digitization of internal stock»

«Recovo connects companies with circular fabrics and sustainable solutions, promoting the reuse of materials, recycling and digitization of internal stock»
«Recovo connects companies with circular fabrics and sustainable solutions, promoting the reuse of materials, recycling and digitization of internal stock»

What is the RECOVO mission/vision?

Recovo is the company that allows companies to connect with circular fabrics and sustainable solutions, promoting the reuse of materials, recycling and digitization of internal stock for efficient inventory optimization.

Recovo Mission: Recovo’s mission is to reduce textile waste and encourage the reuse of materials within the fashion industry.to. Fabrics that are surplus for some brands can be raw materials for others. Recovo is dedicated to providing a second life to surplus textiles through a marketplace and promoting sustainable practices among fashion designers and manufacturers by connecting them with deadstock to reuse.

Recovo Vision: Recovo’s vision is to lead the transformation of the fashion industry towards a more sustainable and circular model.. The company aspires to a future where textile waste is minimized and where materials are continually reused and recycled.

How has RECOVO integrated ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles into its management strategy and what is the impact of these practices?

At Recovo we have integrated ESG principles into our management strategy in a comprehensive and proactive way, addressing various key areas, both within the company and in the services we offer to our clients.

As for the internal team, at Recovo we promote diversity and inclusion through a hiring policy that seeks a 50% balance between genders, committing to equal opportunities. In addition, we establish several objectives to reduce the wage gap, getting involved with pay equity and transparency in our compensation practices. In addition, we offer work flexibilityincluding the option of teleworking two days a week, which facilitates the reconciliation between the professional and personal lives of our employees.

Regarding the services we offer to brands, Recovo stands out for its focus on reducing carbon footprint, through the reuse of existing materials, waste management and recycling. In addition, we provide clear information on the synthetic components used, the percentage of recycled materials, their traceability and their environmental impact, which helps our customers make informed and responsible decisions.

In terms of environmental objectives, at Recovo we have established ambitious goals for the year 2026, including the reduction of water consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions, thus demonstrating our commitment to long-term sustainability.

Given the growing importance of sustainability in today’s market, what are the latest innovative initiatives that RECOVO has implemented to reduce its environmental impact?

In Recovo we recover the textile surplus of companies, we take care of its digitization and make it available to other companies in an online catalog. This alternative prolongs the useful life of materials and reduces the consumption of natural resources by allowing their reuse in the acquisition of materials.

In addition, we have implemented a measurement and traceability system for the materials used. This allows detailed tracking of the origin and destination of materials, facilitating the efficient and responsible management of resources.

At Recovo we set goals of reuse of materials in collaboration with other companies, promoting the optimization of various inventories and encouraging the reuse of materials. All this, through the use of the technology of our platform and its digital catalog.

RECOVO contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals. Could you detail how your specific practices and projects are aligned with these SDGs?

At Recovo we work for 5 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Objective 6. Clean water and sanitation. One of our main objectives is to save the water consumption that the production of new collections and materials entails, in order to be able to manage it in a sustainable way. Currently, with the use of reused fabric, we have managed to save more than 22 million liters of water.

Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth. At Recovo we reward the company’s sustainable growth, as well as decent work for our workers. We also promote the connection between companies in order to achieve new opportunities in the fashion sector that accompany the sustainable transition of 2030.

Objective 12. Responsible production and consumption. Our main objective is to transfer the values ​​of responsible consumption to brands and consumers. Through the connection between companies and fabric, we seek for the fashion sector to change the conception of production by betting on reusing fabrics, instead of producing them. Likewise, we encourage brands to point out which pieces are made with fabric from the platform to raise consumer awareness of the product and continue promoting these practices.

Goal 13. Climate action. Thanks to our recycling and revaluation processes, we help reduce CO2 emissions by avoiding the production of new materials. Additionally, we implement strategies to minimize the impacts of our operations on the climate and promote practices resilient to climate change.

Objective 17. Alliances to achieve the objectives. We work to promote sustainable practices and the circular economy with private ecosystem companies and different organizations. In addition, we encourage the exchange of best practices and innovative technologies between different actors to achieve the SDGs.

How important is it for RECOVO to communicate its responsible initiatives and how do they work on it?

Communicating responsible initiatives is crucial for us as it allows us to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and the sustainable transition. At Recovo we work on this communication through sustainability reports, such as the one we recently launched, the Circular Fashion Report in Spain, campaigns on social networks, appearances in the media and participation in events and conferences in the sector. Additionally, we focus on transparency and educating our audiences about the importance of the circular economy and responsible practices, thus promoting greater positive impact and a shared commitment to our sustainable development goals.

What are RECOVO’s next challenges in this matter and how do you plan to carry them out?

Our next challenges include continued technological innovation in reuse and revaluation of waste, the incorporation of new services and the intensification of education and awareness about the circular economy.

At Recovo we are committed to promoting reuse and incorporating guidelines on the percentage of materials reused in collections, since the main objective is to save water. In addition, we will establish a reuse seal that distinguishes and promotes sustainable products.

In terms of expansion, our objective is internationalization, reaching more European markets and considering the possibility of entering the United States. This expansion will allow us to expand the impact and spread sustainable practices globally.

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