How difficult it is to resign yourself to the limitations of banks when you get used to using fintechs

The traditional way to access financial products is through banksbut for a few years we have had fintechs that have come to make our lives easier.

While The banks complicate us and condition us the time to have our money, fintechs come to propose solutions based on what the user needsand they achieve it.

What are fintech?

I quote a definition that I found on the City of Buenos Aires site:

Fintech is the conjunction of two words: finance and technology. In short, these are companies that seek to offer financial solutions using user-centered technologies. These companies are known as “disruptive banks”, since they develop some products or services linked to the banking world, optimized by digital channels and with competitive costs.

Hours and conditions

It is anachronistic to want to carry out a movement of money, our own money, which is in a bank and can only be carried out at certain times.

This is especially annoying when you are traveling, in other time zones and even more so if we are so relaxed that we do not fully remember what day of the week it is

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