Dollar falls sharply today, Wednesday, June 12, after US CPI

Dollar falls sharply today, Wednesday, June 12, after US CPI
Dollar falls sharply today, Wednesday, June 12, after US CPI

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The dollar fell below $920 this Wednesday due to the inflationary relief that the US CPI for May brought to global markets, in the countdown towards the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decision.

The currency fell from $8.39 to $915 at the beginning of the afternoonhaving touched $909 in early trading, according to Bloomberg. He dollar index fell 0.86% to 104.32 points and Comex copper rose 1.44% to US$ 4.56 per pound in international markets.

The new information “is impacting the dollar in Chile, which falls from $920, benefiting from a weakening of the currency globally,” the chief investment strategist at Sura Investments, Ariel Nachari, wrote in a note.

All the main indicators of the report were one tenth below the general estimates. The underlying series – without food and energy, the most volatile components – moderated at an annual rate of 3.4%, the lowest since April 2021.

The effects in the world of fixed income are palpable. The two-year US Treasury yield sank 15.4 basis points (bp), and trading swaps They discount a 70% probability that the Fed will lower the rate in Septemberwhen until yesterday they were 50%.

Nachari pointed out that “the market will be attentive to the Fed’s monetary policy meeting that ends today, where during the afternoon (2:00 p.m. Chile time) the rate decision will be announced, for which the market expects a maintenance , and the updating of economic projections by the members of the entity”.

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