Logistics automation is defining the future of the industry. With benefits ranging from operational efficiency and cost reduction to improved safety and sustainability, the adoption of advanced technologies is essential to staying competitive. In a world where speed and accuracy are crucial, logistics automation is not just an option, but a necessity for long-term success.

The eyes of the entire sector are today on technologies and their different solutions that have become an innate attraction for companies, who see in it an alternative to modernize their operations and be in line with industry advances.

Although, it is essential to understand that each technology has a focus and aims to improve an area of ​​the operation; They should not be seen as a resounding solution to the problems existing in different companies. This is not magic, it is technology, implementation, design and knowledge.

Technology in logistics has advanced rapidly, becoming today a fundamental pillar in the daily performance of companies. This development has undoubtedly been a fascinating journey, transforming an industry traditionally based on manual and paper-based processes to a dynamic and highly automated one.

The evolution of technology is driven by the need for efficiency, precision and responsiveness in a globalized market. The attractiveness of these solutions was evident, for example, in the recent version of Logistec Show, where important exhibitors showed off the variety of solutions, generating interest among attendees to know every detail of them, making evident the needs of companies for these solutions and the desire to know certain alternatives that help them overcome their logistical pains.


The x-ray of logistics automation reveals an industry in constant growth, driven by the search for higher levels of productivity. This phenomenon is due to several key factors: Operational Efficiency, Cost Reduction, Scalability and Flexibility, Better Inventory Management, Improved Security, Sustainability and the Integration of Advanced Technology.

Considering the above, automation in logistics is not only transforming the way companies operate, but is also setting new standards for productivity and efficiency in the industry. There is no doubt that companies that adopt these advanced solutions are better positioned to compete in an increasingly demanding global market.

Along these lines, we spoke with five important exponents of the technology and innovation industry in supply chain, who delved into the current moment of the industry and the future challenges it faces.


For Roderick Stewart, Deputy Project and Service Manager at STG Chile, the reality experienced in Chile, in terms of the motivation or drivers of technological implementation, are the same as those seen in other markets such as Europe or the United States.

Work teams, operating costs and new work regulations are some of the reasons that lead companies to look more closely at technologies with the aim of “looking for alternatives to see how to maintain and improve service levels and achieve that the purchase promise is fulfilled.”

“DCs are becoming complicated, because today they have a large number of SKUs and for that they need efficiency. Furthermore, the development of e-Commerce and returns demands and we must have a specialized structure to respond to this,” said Stewart.

In simple words, the executive emphasized that: “technology seeks to support operations, streamlining certain processes and also opening spaces for professional development with new positions that add value. Maintain and improve service and address operational challenges. “They are the pillars that drive the implementation of technologies.”

Regarding the technologies that are gaining ground, Roderick highlighted “RFID identification in retail and large stores”, since these solutions “come to the aid of inventories, improve the visibility of assets, speed up reception processes and storage.

Another notable technology is the robots in the CDs, “which transport merchandise, reducing times from one point to another. With a focus on productivity.”


Fabian Audisio, Commercial Director of Boral 4.0 is emphatic in pointing out that today “Chile is the most mature market in Latin America in automation.” The above responds, in the executive’s opinion, to a macro scenario that drives the incorporation of these solutions and these country factors are: “higher salary level and a marked lack of collaborators in the different operations.”

“Chile is in a good position and there is a lot of interest from companies in technologies. Chile has a competitive market with a highly developed retail industry and that means they are constantly seeking to optimize tasks,” Audisio emphasized.

Fabián also recognized that “empirical examples” are important in this market. “We have seen in recent years how several large companies have already automated their processes and that sets references and trends for other actors who see how technologies are gaining ground.”

In this dynamic, the Boreal executive highlighted robotics as a technology that is currently attracting attention, and has led “companies to begin testing and introducing robotics into operations.” The professional warned that “automating is going to change the way we operate. Many times you have to redefine processes to have the expected positive effects.”

“In Chile, everything that is picking systems is within the investment reach of most companies, movement of materials from point to point and classifier systems; all in search of productivity. 5 years ago we carried out our first implementation of robotics in Chile and today most companies see them as feasible projects, within the reach of ideas and budgets.”

Finally, Fabián stressed that “the penetration of these solutions will be even stronger in the coming years and by 2027 there will be no logistics company that has not ventured into some of the technologies. If you don’t do it, you won’t be competitive.”


Antoine Gicqueau, Logistics Project Manager at Jungheinrich, assured that day by day “we see how automation is taking on more weight in intralogistics, thanks to the penetration of its solutions in recent years.”

This moment of technological development also reached Jungheinrich. This German conglomerate has set its eyes on the development of these solutions, advancing innovations in different markets. For Antoine, this attribute is a tremendous opportunity for the Chilean market: “our group has experience and what we see and implement in more advanced markets, we bring to Chile. We are always one step ahead in experience and knowledge.”

Antoine Gicqueau 2Regarding what clients are looking for, the executive stressed that “improving the efficiency of processes and having more competitiveness” are the main drivers of technological projects.

“Companies know that without automation at some point they will be left out of their respective markets. We want to accompany our manual crane customers to take the leap in technology. The only thing that is certain is that automation is not a thing of the future, it is today,” said Gicqueau.

In this dynamism and evolution, Jungheinrich’s Logistics Project Manager recognized that technologies such as AGVs and ARMs will grow by 50% annually. “We will see the growth of these technologies exponentially. Nobody wants to be left behind; Today everyone is at least researching these solutions and they are opening up and getting closer to these technologies.”

Likewise, Antoine called on companies to look at the alternatives on the market. “Today everyone wants to have the latest, but there are many solutions that respond to different factors and you have to know how to choose.”


“The demand for warehousing technology is going to increase fivefold between now and 2028,” said Fabián Contreras, Danich commercial manager, hinting at the projections and the good momentum in terms of the development and penetration that these solutions have in the national logistics industry.

fabian contreras 2“In Chile and the region in general, it is working based on the demand for products, services and growth in terms of volumes; and generate a better response in time and quality to its clients,” said Fabián, also highlighting that the answer to these questions often lies in technology.

The Danich executive added that, given the characteristics of the current market, its demands and its operations: “It is now gaining strength to work on logistics projects with a focus on precision, technology, high density and with a minimum margin of error.”

Given the increasing demand for these solutions, the key to the success of technology projects and companies is “going out to support clients in these investments with scalable and profitable projects.”

“All projects have to be paid for and that is key to seeing the way forward. We cannot forget that these projects are paid for with productivity, improving dispatch capacity and achieving an operation with fewer resources and greater speed. Today Chile is the spearhead in the Region and there is no doubt that it will continue to grow,” concluded Fabián Contreras.


“Chilean professionals have been very advanced in recognizing that logistics should be considered as a value-added activity rather than a cost one and that the profitability of the business has an important component that depends on the operation of your warehouse for the generation of the ‘tickett’. perfect’ and they became convinced that there is no way to avoid the path of automation if they want to stay competitive.” This is how Bernardo Ossandón, Mindugar’s Automation Division Manager, defines the current moment in the industry.

bernardo ossandon 2The executive recognizes that this technological trend has evolved rapidly in Chile, mainly due to “access to a great diversity of alternative solutions thanks to the extraordinary development in technologies applicable to warehouses and distribution centers.” The above, together with a reduction in the costs of technologies, has made it “difficult to choose between them”, since they represent different ways, when well applied, of “transforming your operation into a more competitive and efficient one, which ultimately generates more profitability.” ”.

Regarding evolution, Bernardo assured that the trend is towards robotics and highly applicable solutions for intelligent systems that manage operations, including aspects such as machine learning or AI.

“That is why at Mindugar we have our own software factory to respond to the needs of developing intelligent solutions for our clients, providing a response to the precise requirement of the operation to be controlled,” said the executive.

Finally, Ossandón stressed that: “the future of automation is open on the horizon, even in other latitudes logistics solutions are being developed with techniques from other areas such as “digital twins” that are capable of predicting the response of a system in detail before implementation.

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