Every million euros invested in civil works generates more than 780,000 euros in GDP

Every million euros invested in civil works generates more than 780,000 euros in GDP
Every million euros invested in civil works generates more than 780,000 euros in GDP

Madrid, June 17 (EFECOM).- For every million euros invested in civil works in Spain, 780,571 euros in GDP are generated directly, indirectly and induced, almost 12 full-time jobs and 263,366 euros in fiscal return, a report highlights. prepared by PwC at the request of the Association of Infrastructure Construction Companies and Concessionaires (Seopan).

Taking into account its multiplier effect, for every euro of direct GDP linked to civil works in Spain, 3 euros are generated in the economy as a whole, for every full-time job linked to civil works, almost 3 are created and for every euro directly collected by the civil works, 2.3 euros of total tax collection are generated.

In terms of annual production, construction is the third economic engine in Spain, contributing 180,179 million euros (6.9% of total national production) and is made up of 422,000 companies.

The report presented this Monday highlights the socioeconomic contribution of civil works, highlighting the manufacturing industry and commerce as sectors that benefit most indirectly and inducedly, both in GDP, concentrating 34.5% of the contribution of civil works, and in employment with 40.5% of indirect employment and induced by civil works.

Seopan has reiterated that to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations, 241 billion would be needed in planned infrastructure related to the integral water cycle, transportation, energy and public equipment infrastructure and those that need modernization.

Furthermore, the president of the association of large construction companies and infrastructure concessionaires, Julián Núñez, has indicated that there are another 80,000 million in potential infrastructure based on innovation criteria, which he describes as a moment of enormous opportunity for this area.

The planned infrastructures represent 153,000 million (85,000 million for transportation, 38,000 million for water and another 30,000 million related to the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan).

In addition, the part of railway infrastructure modernization amounts to 30,000 million, water infrastructure to 30,000 million, and road infrastructure to 20,000 million.

These short and medium-term investments would generate an impact of 188,063 million euros in GDP, 2,796,829 new full-time jobs and 62,688 million euros in tax collection.

In the case of the water cycle, he pointed out that Spain has accumulated a delay of more than 6 years and 80 million in European sanctions for non-compliance.

In 2030, almost half of the public infrastructure in Spain will be over 20 years old if the current investment pace persists, a deficit that especially affects hydraulic, port and road infrastructure, according to the report based on a study by BBVA and the Institute Valencian Economic Research Institute.

Despite the arrival of European recovery funds in 2021, the pre-crisis figures have not yet been recovered and this decrease in public investment -11,863 million euros in 2022 compared to 33,680 million in 2009- is causing aging of infrastructure and a decline in the stock of public capital. EFECOM


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