Save on your shopping cart: these are the summer fruits that increase in price the least

Save on your shopping cart: these are the summer fruits that increase in price the least
Save on your shopping cart: these are the summer fruits that increase in price the least

Shelf of a fruit shop (Shutterstock)

Whether to eat it whole, with yogurt, in smoothies, in ice cream… fruit is, without a doubt, one of the summer star foods, given its great flavor and freshness. For weeks now, the seasonal one has already invaded a good part of the stands of the greengrocers and supermarkets. Watermelon, melon, cherries, peaches, plums, apricots… There are many options, but they all have in common that their price has gone up in Spain in 2024 an average of 12%, if compared to 2023, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE).

It is common that, when the summer season arrives, the summer fruit makes a place for itself in the shopping basket of homes. The favorite for a large majority is usually the melon and the watermelon, whose harvest has been affected by the impact that climate change is having in Spain. Hence the production is not going to experience too many changes compared to last year’s campaign.

However, these two products are not among the fruits that have become more expensive since origin to destination. Although the truth is that the melon has doubled its price, going from 0.89 euros/kilo that is paid to the farmer, to the 1.85 euros/kilo that the consumer must pay in the supermarket. In the case of watermelon, its cost has tripled: the farmer receives 0.55 euros/kilowhile sold at 1.68 euros/kiloaccording to the Price Index at Origin and Destination (IPOD) for May.

Watermelon prices have shown a significant increase in recent months. (Shutterstock)

Watermelon prices have shown a significant increase in recent months, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. This trend directly impacts the pockets of consumers, who face higher costs when buying fruits.

On a tour of several Madrid supermarketsvariations are observed in watermelon prices. DAY stands out for offering the most affordable price, standing at 0.79 euros per kilo, according to observations prior to the weekend. Meanwhile, establishments like The English Court and Carrefour They present prices that exceed one euro per kilo, which reflects the disparities in the market.

  • The English Court: 1.29 euros per kilo
  • Carrefour: 1.19 euros per kilo
  • Mercadona: 0.89 euros per kilo
  • DAY: 0.79 euros per kilo

On average, the price of melon is somewhat higher than that of watermelon (Pexels)

Those who opt for melon should keep in mind that, on average, the price of this fruit is somewhat higher than the watermelon. However, the cheapest one can be bought at Carrefour, for 0.99 euros per kilo. In the rest of the supermarkets in Spain, its cost is as follows:

  • The English Court: 1.29 euros per kilo
  • Mercadona: 1.29 euros per kilo
  • DAY: 1.49 euros per kilo

If compared to watermelon and melon, the other summer fruits that are also in high demand have a higher price:

  • One kilogram of peach It costs 3.72 euros at DIA, 3.69 euros at Mercadona and El Corte Inglés and 2.49 euros at Carrefour.
  • One kilogram of plums It costs 4.29 euros at Mercadona and DIA, 3.45 euros at El Corte Inglés and 3.69 euros at Carrefour.
  • One kilogram of cherries It costs 6.98 euros at Carrefour, 5.98 euros at DIA and 4.99 euros at Mercadona and El Corte Inglés.
  • One kilogram of apricots It costs 2.29 euros at El Corte Inglés and 3.69 euros at Mercadona, DIA and Carrefour.
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