What to invest your Christmas bonus in: how to make a smart financial decision

What to invest your Christmas bonus in: how to make a smart financial decision
What to invest your Christmas bonus in: how to make a smart financial decision

*Collaborative note prepared by Matías Nicolás Kostendt and Simón Villanueva, financial advisors at Bull Market Brokers.

The bonus, that extra income that is received every six months, can be a temptation for immediate consumption. However, finance experts recommend a different approach: the investment. Because? By protection and growth.

Investing the bonus helps protect purchasing power against inflationsince, otherwise, its real value would be reduced, but it also gives us the opportunity to generate additional returns by converting a temporary benefit into a long-term growth asset.

Based on the current analysis of the Market, a list of promising assets to meet the needs of different investor profilesensuring that everyone finds the option that aligns with their goals and risk tolerance.

Investment recommendations according to the investor profile

Conservative Profile: Safe investment and liquidity

For the conservative investor in the current economic context, precisely that the latter presents moderate inflation, LECAPs are emerging as an excellent investment alternative. These Treasury instruments offer a return of approximately 4% monthlymaking them a valuable option for those looking to preserve their capital and beat the returns on fixed depositswith the added advantage of being able have funds quickly thanks to its liquidity.

In line with the search for security and stability, a diversified fixed income portfolio. An essential component to this strategy is Bull Market Brokers’ new fund, the “BM Smart Short Term”, which invests mainly in LECAPs and offers liquidity of T+1. This fund is ideal for conservative investors who want to manage their liquid balances efficiently, with a short-term investment horizon and minimizing market risk.

Another option for this investor profile is dollarize that additional incomebut, an excellent alternative is also to invest in Negotiable Obligations. This instrument allows us not only to preserve capital by dollarizing it, but also because, with this class of assets, income coupons can be periodically obtained, either semi-annually or quarterly.

In the market There are numerous bond options for all risk and return profiles.but to name some good credits, you can build a portfolio by investing, for example, in the YPF 2029 ON (YMCIO) that operates with a current yield of 8.25%, the Telecom 2026 ON (TLC1O) that has a return of 8%, the Mastellone ON 2026 (MTCGO) which has a current yield of 7.50% and the Edenor ON 2026 (DNC3O) and Genneia 2027 (GNCXO) which respectively have a yield of 7.75%.

Moderate Profile: Strategic balance between risk and return

For investors seeking an optimal balance between risk and return, a Diversified portfolio that integrates both fixed income and variable income.

It is prudent to keep 10% in liquid dollars to protect against market volatility. In turn, it is suggested to assign a 20% to Fixed Income with attractive returns and a 5% to Cedears from internationally renowned companies such as Coca-Cola (KO) or Barrick Gold (GOLD) as they provide access to Global Markets and sectors with sustained growth potential. On the other hand and accordingly, you can choose to operate the Cedears of the SPY and DIA ETFs that replicate the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones.

As for fixed income, a mix can be created between those non-Sovereign instruments that yield above 2 digits. In that sense, you can add a position in the ON of Gemsa 2027 (MRCAO) which has a return of 15.50%, the Bono of the Province of Mendoza 2029 (PMM29) and that of the Province of Neuquén 2030 (NDT25) which have a return of 12.25 and 12% respectively and, the Bopreal 2026 (BPY26) and Bopreal 2027 Series 1 D (BPOD7) which have a return of 19 and 18% in dollars.

It is important to clarify that these instruments can perfectly be combined with those of the conservative profile mentioned above.

In short, for this profile diversification is crucial, since it allows us, on the one hand, to have the security that fixed income offers us and, on the other hand, the growth potential of variable income. This investment strategy is designed for those seeking stable growth in their assets with a moderate level of risk.

Aggressive Profile: Focus on growth and technological diversification

Investors with a high risk tolerance and who are willing to face significant levels of uncertainty in exchange for the possibility of high returns, may consider a aggressive strategy with an allocation of 80 to 100% in Variable Income. It is recommended to focus on sectors of the Energy Industry, Financial Sectors, as well as Technology and Renewable Energies.

For this profile, the following assets with high potential stand out:

  • YPF (YPFD): Leading hydrocarbon company in Argentina, with a robust presence in the energy sector and a crucial role in the National Economy.
  • Pampa Energía (PAMP): A comprehensive energy company with significant operations in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, as well as gas and oil exploration and production, key to the country’s energy development.
  • Vista Oil & Gas (ViSTA): Oil company, known for its growth potential and contribution to the energy industry.
  • Banco Galicia (GGAL): One of the largest private banks in the country, founded in 1905 and with a wide range of financial services to people and companies.
  • Macro Bank (BMA): Argentine private capital bank founded in 1988 and has an important network of branches throughout the country.
  • Apple (AAPL): Global technology innovator with a diversified portfolio of products and services, and an ecosystem that continues to expand and capture consumer loyalty.
  • Microsoft (MSFT): Software colossus with significant expansion in cloud services and hardware, maintaining a dominant influence in multiple segments of the Technology Market.
  • AMD (AMD): Recognized manufacturer of semiconductors and microprocessors, essential in the evolution of computing and electronics.
  • Tesla (TSLA): Technological emblem company whose owner is Elon Musk. It designs, manufactures and sells electric cars, components for the propulsion of electric vehicles, solar roofs, solar photovoltaic installations and domestic batteries.
  • Alibaba (BABA): Private Chinese company primarily engaged in e-commerce on the Internet and providing online payment services, a search engine for price comparison, and cloud data storage.
  • Cedar (QQQ): ETF that replicates the Nasdaq 100 index, includes the 100 largest and leading technology companies in the US market.
  • FCI Bull Market Argentine Shares (BULMAAA): Common Investment Fund focused on Argentine Shares, providing the opportunity to participate in the dynamic local market under expert management.

On the fixed income side, we propose adding Sovereign Bonds, creating a mix between Bonar 2030 (AL30), Global 2035 (GD35) and Bonar 2038 (AE38) since to the extent that the country continues on the path of reserve accumulation, low inflation, fiscal and financial surplus and subsequent economic reactivation and exchange rate unification, these assets have significant capital appreciation potential.

This aggressive investment strategy is aimed at investors who aspire to maximize their returns and are willing to accept a higher level of risk, with the aim of obtaining significant long-term rewards.

Final thoughts

Invest the bonus It is not just a measure of financial cautionbut also one oropportunity to increase personal wealth. The key is to select the strategy that best suits the investor’s objectives and risk profile.

It is essential to keep in mind that each investment approach has unique benefits and challenges. It is vitally important to carry out a meticulous evaluation of your profile, your financial goals and your ability to manage risk, before starting any investment. By following the recommendations we discussed above, it is easier to choose the alternative that best aligns with the individual’s needs and projections.

Finally, Bull Market Brokers stands out as an ideal platform for those who are starting out in the world of stock investments as well as those with more experience. It offers an intuitive interface, a wide variety of investment tools and a team of expert financial advisors ready to help you navigate the world of stock assets.

If you have any questions, it is advisable to contact a financial advisor or your trusted broker to obtain more information and carry out operations safely and efficiently.

*Collaborative note prepared by Matías Nicolás Kostendt and Simón Villanueva, financial advisors at Bull Market Brokers.

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