Check with your RUT if you have pending bonds receivable from the IPS or Sence – En Cancha

Check with your RUT if you have pending bonds receivable from the IPS or Sence – En Cancha
Check with your RUT if you have pending bonds receivable from the IPS or Sence – En Cancha

June 19, 2024 at 3:55 p.m.

The Social Security Institute (IPS) and the National Training and Employment Service (Sence) are two government entities that provide economic benefits to a certain part of the population.

Whether they are workers, older adults, mothers, fathers or vulnerable families who receive the bonuses or subsidies, there are always people who are unaware that they have been awarded any aid.

Check with your RUT if you have pending bonds to pay

Both the Social Security Institute and Sence have their own digital platforms to obtain this information. Find out the details below:


To find out if you have an IPS contribution pending collection, you just have to visit the Chile Atiende website, enter your RUT and date of birth. Then, just click on “consult”. The page will tell you if you have any benefits to collect.

In case you have money pending, on the same platform you can request payment to be made through one of these two ways:

  • Deposit in bank account (RUT account or any other account)
  • In-person collection through a branch of Banco Estado or Caja de Compensación Los Héroes.


Unlike the IPS, Sence does not have a single platform to know if your benefits have outstanding balances. However, each aid has its own website in which you can check with your RUT. To review, just click on the name of the benefit and enter your identification number:

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