The number of people who say they cannot make ends meet increased according to a private survey

The number of people who say they cannot make ends meet increased according to a private survey
The number of people who say they cannot make ends meet increased according to a private survey

27.8% do not make ends meet, according to Consulting Projection (Freepik)

Most Argentines are having trouble making ends meet in June and despite having slowed down, inflation continues to be the main concern.

A survey by Proyección Consultores revealed that the number of people who do not make ends meet increased with 27.8%, while in May it was 24%. 36.9% have to reduce expenses to make ends meet, 28.9% have enough for what they need and only 6.3% have the capacity to save.


The survey was carried out between June 2 and 13 among 1,894 people over 16 years of age.

On the other hand, although the main concern continues to be inflation and the price of food and other basic household expenses (53.9%), it has been falling since March (63.6%). Likewise, 36.7% are worried about low salaries. Meanwhile, concern about unemployment rose from 19.5% in May to 24.6% in June and about the increase in taxes and fees from 28.6% to 34.1%.


Regarding expectations about the household economy for the next 6 months, 44.7% believe that it will get worse, 34.9% that it will improve and 20.4% do not know. The direction of the country generates uncertainty for 40.8% of those surveyed, 35.6% remain optimistic and 23.7% remain pessimistic. It should be noted that compared to May, uncertainty increased and optimism decreased.


Meanwhile, for 61.7% of those surveyed, the main person responsible for the country’s economic problems is the government of Alberto Fernandezfor 38.2% the current Government and for 37% the government of Mauricio Macri.

Regarding opinions on the direction of the economy, 38.6% believe it is incorrect and 38.5% believe it is correct. However, 37.1% are not willing to wait for anything as the president requested Javier Milei to start seeing improvements. 23.7% say they would wait more than a year, 21.1% between six and twelve months and 11.8% between 3 and 6 months.


In parallel, the evaluation of management is negative for 46.9% of those surveyed and positive for 46.2%. Internally, 49.8% consider that the president has the attitude to improve the situation in the country, 48.5% that he is fulfilling his promises, and 47% that he has a government plan.

The vice president, Victoria Villaruelis the leader with the greatest positive image with 50% and is followed by Milei with 49%.

Manuel Zuninoa specialist from the consulting firm told Infobae: “The perception of a negative economic present is combined with levels of high expectations in a part of society, but with low patience. Regarding the present, of the five main problems, four are economic and two out of every three Argentines have difficulties making ends meet.”

“Although the President’s rating remains close to 50%, after six months, they begin to ask the government for results, mainly the pro-government voter hopes that the effort they are making is worth it, although at the moment there is uncertainty about that and doubts,” he added.

The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) published this Monday the progress of the level of activity and the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) with unfavorable results in the first quarter.

Argentina’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) collapsed 5.1% in the first three months of the year. Internally, only exports showed growth with 26.1% year-on-year and 11.1% compared to the previous quarter.

Consumption fell in both the private (-2.6%) and public sectors (-0.8%), Investment (Gross fixed capital formation), by 12.6% and Imports fell by 12.1%. In interannual terms, the contraction is deeper: Private Consumption showed a decrease of 6.7%, Public Consumption of 5%, Investment, 23.4% and Imports, 20.1%.

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