Video shows the impressive engineering of SpaceX’s Falcon rockets: they land intact | Science and Technology

Video shows the impressive engineering of SpaceX’s Falcon rockets: they land intact | Science and Technology
Video shows the impressive engineering of SpaceX’s Falcon rockets: they land intact | Science and Technology

Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of the SpaceX company, shared a video that shows how its Falcon rockets land intact on Earth after a space trip, to later be reused.

Let us remember that SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets were pioneers in engineering to reuse these huge ships and also, reduce costs in space missions.

The video corresponds to the launch of a Falcon Heavy that transported a new satellite into space to monitor weather patterns in different places on the planet, adding information to the already huge database of the National Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

It should be noted that, The Falcon Heavy are a variation of the Falcon 9, where a reinforced rocket is attached in the center and two others on the sides.which function as propellants.

What Musk showed, from a few kilometers away, was the moment when the two Falcon 9s returned to Earth and “landed” on the landing platform in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The Rockets They deploy a type of support at their base and slow down their speed using propulsion to cushion the speed of the fall.Thus, they remain standing and do not suffer any damage upon landing.

This is the result of engineering work that took more than a decade. In fact, SpaceX was founded in 2002, but it was not until 2015 when they managed to land an intact rocket for the first time.

Another view of the landing of the Falcon Heavy boosters:

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