Manufacturing in Spain: the cost of a t-shirt reaches its historical record

Manufacturing in Spain: the cost of a t-shirt reaches its historical record
Manufacturing in Spain: the cost of a t-shirt reaches its historical record

How much does it cost to produce a t-shirt? In Spain, for the first time, manufacturing a knitted undershirt surpassed the barrier of six euros in 2023. This is the data revealed by the latest edition of the Industrial Products Survey, published yesterday by the National Institute of Statistics, which estimates each year the units and the value of the production of nearly 4,000 industrial products, pointing to the number of units produced and the value obtained by manufacturers from their sale.

Last year, a total of 19.3 million of these knitted garments (both women’s and men’s) were manufactured in the country. The total value of the products, according to the entity’s data, reached 116 million euros in total, so Each unit produced reaches a round cost of six euros, 1% more than in 2022.

The cost of producing this product, in fact, has become progressively more expensive in recent years. In 2021, after several years of declines, the average cost of producing a knitted T-shirt reached its all-time low in the last seven years. That year, producing a knitted T-shirt cost the industrial sector a total of 4.95 euros. In 2022, however, the average price of producing a t-shirt rose to 5.94 euros.

This price has not been recorded in Spain since 2018, when the production of knitted T-shirts reached 5.97 euros. In subsequent years, the cost had been progressively reduced, to 5.58 euros and 5.39 euros in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

In 2021, the average cost of producing a knitted T-shirt reached a minimum of 4.95 euros

In clothing, knitted undershirts are the third most manufactured product by industrialists. Specifically, In 2023, a total of 19.3 million t-shirts will be madea figure only surpassed by dresses (a category that includes wedding dresses, communion dresses and trouser dresses), which reached 21.6 million products manufactured, and shirts and blouses, with 38.8 million units produced.

In addition to the fact that the average cost of producing these products has become more expensive in the last two years, the volume of t-shirts manufactured has also contracted. Specifically, in 2022, 17.5 million knitted T-shirts were produced in Spain, compared to 20.5 million T-shirts manufactured in 2021.

This figure is even further away from the volume reached by the industry in 2018, when a total of 35 million were made in Spain of knitted undershirts, 45% more than in 2023.

Produce a shirt or blouse, the items with the highest volume currently in the industry, It cost an average of nine euros in 2023, compared to the 9.5 euros it cost the previous year. The dresses, for their part, cost an average of 21 euros to produce, above what they cost in 2022. That year, up to 24.4 million dresses were made, for a price of 20.4 euros per unit.

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