Join this campaign: Let’s help Ivana beat her tumor

Ivana is an exceptional girl, known for her passion for studying and her love for cats. She taught herself English and has always been an outstanding student at the Liceo Pupo Jiménez in Montería (Córdoba).

However, his life changed radically a year ago when he was diagnosed with a hemangiomatous tumor in the left lacrimal gland which pushes your eye outward and causes your vision to narrow. Due to its complexity, the operation to remove it cannot be done in Colombia, but rather in United States.

His mother, Alejandra Rincona lawyer who works at the University of Córdoba, explained that they have desperately sought a solution in Colombia, visiting various cities such as Cartagena, Barranquilla, Bogotá and Medellín, but the complexity of the tumor and the inefficiency of the health system have prevented an accurate diagnosis. and adequate treatment.

«There is a risk of hemorrhages, of the girl going blind, which is why doctors in Colombia do not dare to do the operation. In January we were in Mexico because the ocular ultrasound referred us to that country and there they explained to us that The girl needed cryotherapy, which freezes the tumor and removes it.“, accurate.

However, the trip to several clinics in the country and the trip to Mexico exhausted all his resources. She, along with her husband Fabio, have launched multiple ways to raise funds, through raffles and collections, but they have not yet reached the sum necessary to carry out the procedure. Friends, co-workers and many more people have contributed.

They have received support from the livestock and meat sector, mainly from Committee of Dairy Zebuinos and their Crosseswith its executive director, Duván González, who brought the case to the pages of WITHlivestock contextas well as the restaurant The Brioche Burgerwhich won in the last edition of the Burger Master 2024.

«The Brioche Burger ran a campaign during the Burger Master. They participated with a hamburger, the Jaguar Master, and They gave us more than 10% of the sales they made. “They also made a video of the girl and brought her a book on quantum theory,” she commented. (Read in WITHlivestock context: Burger Master 2024 exceeded one million hamburgers sold!)

In Mexico they were informed that hope is in the University of Utah Hospital, where the cost of treatment is more accessible. They already had contact with this institution through the renowned cardiologist and ambassador of Haiti Luckner Mercrediand they have already asked for the studies that Ivana has to date, which implies another expense to translate the documents.

«Ivana is a child prodigy, lover of books and science. Despite her illness, she maintains her joy and desire to become a quantum engineer. She is 11 years old but she talks as if she were 50. (…) His left eye already has peelings on the cornea, it does not close and to do so it is necessary to put a patch on it. And he has a lot of headache, he complains all the time that he has a headache.», said Alejandra.

The family has started a fundraising campaign to cover the costs of treatment. They have already raised a portion but they still lack more than 60% of the resources. Every contribution counts and can make a difference in the life of this child prodigy. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so through this Vakito the Bancolombia savings account 91200070114to the Nequi 3114068138 (in the name of Nayiber Barrera) or to Daviplata 3152002960.

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