your new fuel is 1000 times better

Although electric cars seemed to have found their place in the world, Japan has found its great fault and has brought a new fuel to scene. They say it’s 1,000 times better. For some years now, interest in electric vehicles has grown for several reasons. The main one is that Europe wants to ban the sale of combustion cars by 2035, although it will review its goal in 2027.

If circumstances are favorable by then, your goal will continue and it will be impossible to acquire traditional vehicles. This means that the average citizen who wants to buy a new car must remain attentive to new technologies and, for now, the electric car has a very good prognosis. To begin with, it has greater tax exemptions, a plus point that users consider when purchasing it.

However, the main reason why buyers opt for electric vehicles is their lower air pollution. Although many see it as the perfect piece given the current context, it is not the only technology that will battle for first place in the coming years. Its lack of autonomy and infrastructure are still great challenges that make it impossible to see it as the perfect model and that is where this new one comes into play. fuel 1,000 times better.

Japan knocks out electric cars: a new fuel arrives that leaves them aside

The Japanese company Yamaha has manufactured a hydrogen internal combustion engine intended for a recreational vehicle. They have called him Drive H2 and it is a vehicle with a hydrogen engine, the first of its kind ever manufactured, according to what its creators from a subsidiary of the well-known motorcycle company have announced.

It bears the seal of the Yamaha Golf-Car Company (YGC) divisionspecialized in the production of golf cars in USA. This model has been shown to the world in one of the most relevant events linked to sports. Its technology is based on Yamaha Drive H2 Concierge 4a four-seater golf car sold especially in USAalthough it is now available worldwide.

The strength of hydrogen engines is that they offer a fuel sustainable, but taking advantage of existing internal combustion technology. This means that it is not necessary to make such an abrupt change, with the financial outlay that this entails. For this reason, the company continues to investigate the scope of this technology, as part of its commitment to the decarbonization of transportation.

Electric cars did not expect this: Japan is committed to super-efficient fuel

The vehicle of yamaha It has two high-pressure hydrogen tanks of 25 liters each, located under the driver’s seat and the rear seat backrest. What differentiates this technology from any other that uses hydrogen is that it is not based on the ‘classic’ hydrogen cell, but on a combustion engine adapted to work with this. fuel.

Let us remember that this strategy has already been tested by Toyotawhich also has its hydrogen range with the model Mirai.

Definitely, Japan goes beyond electric cars and bets on a new fuel which many believe is synonymous with the future. The hydrogen engine is going far and not only in the classic passenger car, but also in the transportation sector, as has been proven with this piece. If you want to know more about the scope of hydrogen in the industry, don’t miss our article on the new liquid hydrogen engine.

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