Small hotels empowered with cutting-edge technology | Artificial intelligence

Small hotels empowered with cutting-edge technology | Artificial intelligence
Small hotels empowered with cutting-edge technology | Artificial intelligence

In the current context of strong growth and maximum competition, it is key that smaller hotels also have access to the best distribution channels to be able to access all markets and traveler segments. It is for this reason that the Center for Inclusive Growth Mastercard has announced a new partnership with technology provider Connectycs and the digital innovation arm of the Spanish hotel industry, ITH, in order to offer a new philanthropic program within the framework of its global initiative Strive. The objective is to support the digitalization and financial resilience of small Spanish hotels.

This program will support the growth of small hotels throughout Spain, ensuring that they can access greater participation in the tourism economy, which is critical for the country. Despite the sector’s impressive growth forecasts, smaller and less digitalized hotels have limitations when it comes to accessing certain markets and distribution channels.

Mastercard’s objective is to support the digitalization and financial resilience of small Spanish hotels

Connectycs’ B2B platform will be used to enable small hotels to distribute their rooms directly to large tour operators, which should allow them to increase their efficiency, profitability, cash flow and access to capital. This program will involve up to 10% of Spanish hotels with less than 100 rooms. According to Payal Dalal, executive vice president of Global Programs at Center for Inclusive Growth of Mastercard, “it is crucial to ensure inclusive growth in the tourism sector, so that all its companies can benefit in an equitable and sustainable way from the recovery of the sector and its strong growth prospects.”

The alliance between Mastercard, Connectycs and ITH will transform the Spanish hotel industry through the adoption of AI.

With the support of this technological solution, small hotels will be able to access new customers, manage digital payments and use AI-based information to improve their pricing strategies and business operations. Javier Soriano, CEO of Connectycs, points out that “this optimization will allow hotels to simplify processes, increase revenue collection and access new sources of financing. This will not only save hoteliers time, but will also increase their profitability.”

It is crucial to ensure inclusive growth in the tourism sector, so that all its companies can benefit in an equitable and sustainable way from the recovery of the sector and its strong growth prospects.

Payal Dalal, executive vice president of Global Programs at Mastercard’s Center for Inclusive Growth

Álvaro Carrillo de Albornoz, general director of ITH, highlights “the positive impact of this program, which seeks to transform the operation and competitiveness of small hotels in Spain.” The collaboration aims to create a more inclusive, digitalized and resilient hospitality industry, benefiting tourism entrepreneurs and small hotel owners eager to adopt innovative digital technologies.

Ultimately, this alliance between Mastercard, Connectycs and ITH will transform the Spanish hotel industry through the adoption of AI, providing small hotels with tools to improve their efficiency and competitiveness, and guaranteeing inclusive growth in a key sector for the country’s economy.

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