Cryptocurrencies: the value of solana for this day

Cryptocurrencies: the value of solana for this day
Cryptocurrencies: the value of solana for this day

Solana is a blockchain that drives the development of DAPPs and is capable of processing 50 thousand transactions per second, one of the fastest. (Infobae)

Among the countless cryptocurrencies that have emerged, a few stand out, among them solarium. Identified in the cryptocurrency market with the acronym SUN, It was created in 2017 by Anatoly Yakhovenkostanding out for the high performance in your transactions and fast processing times, carrying out around 50 thousand transactions per second, making it one of the fastest on the market.

In addition to its speed, solana ensures low transaction costs due to its scalabilitykeeping them below $0.01 for both developers and users.

Solana’s native token is primarily used to make staking (which consists of acquiring cryptocurrencies and keeping them locked in a digital wallet obtaining rewards) and pay transaction fees having a limited supply, while burning half of the SOL used in each commission to maintain a set level of inflation each year.

The value of the solana cryptocurrency for this day at 16:55 hours (UTC) it is 141.83 dollars per unit.

This means that the digital asset had a change of 0.22% in the last day as well as a variation of -0.35% in the last 60 minutes.

Solana is currently ranked #5 in popularity in the digital market. It is worth mentioning that the all-time high this digital currency has reached is $260.06 per unit.

Digital currencies were born in 2008 as an alternative to the devaluation of several currencies as a result of the economic crisis of that year.

The first digital asset created was the bitcoin and over time others emerged like litecoin, ethereum, bitcoin, cash, ripple, dogecoinsome of the most popular.

Cryptocurrencies work through a cryptographic encryption that guarantees the security of transactions, as well as control of the generation of its units .

To make transactions, Cryptocurrencies use a decentralized database, blockchain, or shared ledger.

It is important to mention that cryptocurrencies are digital assets that do not physically exist and, unlike currencies such as the dollar, euro or peso, they are not regulated by any institution and do not need intermediaries in transactions.

The latter has caused cryptocurrencies to be frowned upon by the formal market, accusing them of being unreliable, volatile, promoting fraud, not having a legal framework to support their users, allowing the operation of illegal activities, among others.

Physical representations of various cryptocurrencies. (REUTERS/Dado Ruvic)
Physical representations of various cryptocurrencies. (REUTERS/Dado Ruvic)

However, little by little the path has been opened to such an extent that companies, millionaires and even States have encouraged or legalized its use.

One of the richest men in the world, Elon Musk, has made comments in favor of digital currencies such as bitcoin and dogecoin, temporarily allowing their use in the electric car company Tesla, which triggered, at the time, the increase in their value .

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