The use of AI in the workplace: potential, ignorance or mistrust?

The use of AI in the workplace: potential, ignorance or mistrust?
The use of AI in the workplace: potential, ignorance or mistrust?

(Illustrative Image Infobae)

The emergence of the Artificial intelligence (AI) is different from automation hardware-based robot technology, as it is generally perceived, its importance lies in the fact that this adapts through algorithms of progressive data learning until we achieve a classifier or predictor; something that is already recurring and used in practically all sectors.

In the workplace, of course AI has permeated this field worldwide, and therefore, professionals in our country from diverse areas live a duality of perspectives on the impact and application of this type of technology.

Data collected by PageGroup reveals that 82% of professionals envision a potential increase in efficiency and productivity thanks to its application, especially for its ability to automate repetitive tasks and reduce costs through optimized operations.

However, this perception is accompanied by significant concerns, since 67% stated concern about lack of human judgment and intuition; 57% fear for data privacy and security; 50% anticipate challenges related to the job displacement or unemployment, evidencing the apprehension towards the social and economic impact of AI.

Regarding the areas of specialization, the doubts are equally worrying: 59% recognize its potential benefit, but also take into account the risks it entails; 37% consider a turning point that will revolutionize the industry.

Mexico and Brazil stand out where professionals feel more prepared to face the challenges of AI.

Needless to say regarding the replacement of jobs, since 68% consider that Artificial Intelligence could replace your jobs to a certain extent, by 15% who remain optimistic, and affirm that this type of technology will not replace any job.

Despite the above, the willingness to learn the subject is high, with 99% of respondents expressing interest, among whose reasons are: efficiency and productivity, adapt to new roles, increase employment opportunities, achieve a higher salary and explore opportunities in other sectors, i.e. a window of opportunity.

An interesting fact is that in Mexico more than a third of the participants have used AI tools such as chatbots or personal assistants, while a significant percentage -26%- who have not yet had any experience, and 18% with some reluctance towards its adoption.

When it comes to functional AI, decision making based on data analysis, 21% use it very often, and they underline the importance of cloud security and data breach prevention.

Analytical AI, which scans data to provide recommendations and insights, has found acceptance with 15% of respondents using it frequently, reflecting a tool adoption gap that could improve decision-making and data analysis.

Did you know… In 1943 Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts presented their model of artificial neurons, considered the first artificial intelligence, when the term had not yet been coined.

In the workplace, almost half of the participants said they were familiar with it, highlighting benefits such as saving time, more relevant positions, improving your CV and hone interview skills. As for generative AI, which creates new content, only 15% use it.

These data suggest that a considerable percentage has not explored this technology putting barriers like lack of knowledge, inability of finding the right tool, the lack of skill to use it, distrust in it and the perception of not seeing benefits in its use.

Through artificial intelligence, there are gaps to define and learn – credit Freepik

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