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4 infallible cleaning tricks to leave the interior of your car clean and like brand new

The world of home and daily routine generates certain daily activities to occupy ourselves with. The cleaning of the car It is one of them and it surely gave you headaches more than once. That is why in this note we want to share some ideas with you so that you can solve it in a practical and easy way.

Take care of the interior of your vehicle.

Use vinegar

One of the homemade tricks that we share with you is truly spectacular and you will notice a great change in the cleanliness of your car. What you are going to do is make the panels, carpets and seats of the vehicle super shiny with a mixture of vinegar and water. In the event that you see very stubborn stains that are difficult to remove, you can make a paste with baking soda and water, place it on the stain with circular movements and let it act. You can remove it with a cloth. Lastly, you can spray vinegar and it will be perfect.

Clean your car with these tips.

Sodium bicarbonate

This product is one of the most recommended for removing stains and not only on your car, but in places like the bathroom or clothing stains. You are going to sprinkle it on the stain and let it sit. This will also remove bad odors from the vehicle.

Use lemon

You can make a spray with lemon juice and water to give a fresh and spectacular touch to the car. Another option is to get some flavored vinegar that can help with bad odors.

Shine with these tricks.

Mineral oil

To make the plastics of your car more shiny car You can use mineral oil such as baby oil, which is very easy to find and inexpensive. Apply a few drops of oil to a cloth and rub the areas of the vehicle that need care and reinforcement.

I followed these homemade tricks because they will help you a lot to give a new face to the vehicle.

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