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Regulatory risk and the supply chain, companies’ main concerns, according to BDO


37% of business leaders consider that the regulatory risk derived from the uncertainty regarding the development of artificial intelligence, digitalization and sustainability is the main concern that companies have to face at this time, according to the Global Risk Landscape 2024 report prepared by BDO published this Monday.

Almost nine out of ten managers worldwide agree that risks are more marked by crises than ever, despite the fact that the dangers derived from the supply chain are one of the conditions for which companies feel less prepared. , specifically, in 33% of those surveyed and the second most commented concern.

Meanwhile, geopolitical tensions have risen three places to third place and cyber attacks have fallen to fifth place as companies have invested heavily in the area.

Currently, only a third of organizations are using AI for risk management, but 88% of those that are not consider adopting it in the near future in the predictive analysis of financial risks in the increase of capabilities and competencies, in the supply chain and in the detection and prevention of fraud.

Likewise, 44% of companies are experiencing ‘cyber fatigue’ due to the constant need to invest and update in cybersecurity in the face of a constantly evolving landscape of cyber threats. A fatigue that, however, is less noticeable in Europe and America.

“The business sector faces a constantly changing environment, where organizations must prepare and adopt an ‘antifragile’ mentality, seeking opportunities to turn risk into a competitive advantage and thrive in disruptive times of crisis,” commented the responsible partner. of Risk Advisory Services of BDO in Spain, Enric Doménech.

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