The 3 most notable gestures of Harry and Meghan Markle’s trip to Nigeria after the rudeness of Charles III

The 3 most notable gestures of Harry and Meghan Markle’s trip to Nigeria after the rudeness of Charles III
The 3 most notable gestures of Harry and Meghan Markle’s trip to Nigeria after the rudeness of Charles III

This week has been a very special and notable one in the life of the British Royal Family. Prince Harry (39 years old) was traveling to the United Kingdom again for the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games, the solidarity initiative that he himself created a decade ago and whose success he wanted to celebrate. With these he wanted to create a multi-event in which sick or injured veterans could play different sports, including wheelchair basketball or sitting volleyball, among others. Although this was a nice moment for him, Harry was not accompanied by his loved ones. Not only did he not see his father, King Charles III (75 years old), he also did not attend the event organized by his son, as did Prince William (41 years old) and his wife, Kate Middleton (42 years old). . But if something caught our attention, it was that Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle (42 years old), was also not by his side on this special day. Even so, her former actress did travel with her husband to Nigeria, where they also wanted to give visibility to other charitable projects. A much talked about trip that has not gone unnoticed by anyone.

Harry and Meghan’s luxurious trip to Nigeria

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the United Kingdom behind without seeing Harry’s family to fly to Nigeria on a trip that many have called a “fake royal tour.” There they were received with all honors, despite no longer being part of the British royal family. With this visit, Harry wanted to promote his Archwell foundation, giving visibility to charitable projects that it has in the country. Although Meghan was not with Harry in London, making clear the null relationship she currently has with her husband’s family and her country of origin, the young woman did meet with him in the British capital to set a course. to Nigeria.

Apparently, This flight to Nigeria cost the couple about 5,000 euros, if they had chosen first class, costing more than 1,000 if they had flown in tourist class. From London they arrived in Arbuya, whose first visit was to a school where they wanted to talk to students about the importance of mental health. In the Nigerian capital, Harry and Meghan stayed in one of the most luxurious hotels there, the Hilton Hotel, according to the British press. In this well-known hotel chain The cheapest private suite costs 300 euros per night, rising to 581 for the most expensive. These suites are not small at all, having dimensions of up to 172 square meters and having their own kitchen and a king-size bed. Without a doubt, a much observed and commented trip whose cost is being highly criticized internationally.

Meghan was finally in London

Although Meghan does not feel particularly comfortable setting foot on British soil, it seems that she finally had no choice but to do so because the couple’s flight to Nigeria departed from there. The prince has already commented in the past that His family would not travel to the United Kingdom until they felt safe., since now they do not have the official protection of the Royal House having abandoned it and he feels that it could be dangerous. In any case, Meghan had to say goodbye to her children, Archie and Lilibet, to catch a plane from Los Angeles to London. Even so, her visit was quite short, as soon He met Harry in the VIP lounge at Heathrow Airport, called Windsor.and then boarded that other luxurious airplane that took them to Nigeria, run by the British Airways company.

Meghan’s nod to Harry’s family

On such a talked-about visit, the look Meghan chose was very important. That’s why her new stylist had to get to work. The person in charge of dressing the former actress is Jamie Mizrahi, a professional that Meghan just hired to bet on a new image for the launch of ‘American Riviera Orchard’, a home products store that is about to see the light of day. Jamie is in charge of dressing other celebrities such as actress Jennifer Lawrence and for this occasion they opted for a long sleeveless peach dress by designer Heidi Merrick. But, although the look may seem quite simple and somewhat sober, this one comes with a possible message for Meghan’s in-laws.

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The designer named this creation Windsorbeing a detail to take into account since it is the name of the castle that Harry’s family has in the county of Berkshire, as well as a clear reference to the members of this clan, with whom he has little or no relationship. Through fashion, very powerful messages can be sent and throughout history we have been able to witness this, which is why this gesture by Meghan has not gone unnoticed by anyone. Wearing this suit, could be sending a white flag to Harry’s family, who are not going through the best of times, letting them see that they are there for them whenever they need it. Let us remember that King Charles III suffers from cancer for which he is being treated, as does Kate Middleton, who confessed to the world through an emotional video that she also suffers from this disease and is being treated with preventive chemotherapy. In fact, Harry invited everyone to attend the event celebrating ten years of the Invictus Games, something that ultimately did not happen. Furthermore, with this dress Meghan has also broken royal protocol, according to the foreign press. But this would not be the first time that the Duchess breaks taboos, so this will surely not surprise the British royal family either.

Meghan and Harry talk openly about their two children

During their visit to Lightway Academy, a local school in Abuja, the couple also entered a preschool class where they were able to greet boys and girls between two and five years old, the same one their children, Archie and Lili, have. There, in the spontaneous chat they had with the little ones, the couple commented that dancing is what Lili likes the most, and that in a month she will turn three years old. “It’s Lili’s favorite class. Maybe it’s because of all the jumping”, commented Meghan, for whom this visit has been very special, having roots in Nigeria herself. In fact, the businesswoman felt so comfortable that she wanted to share a nice message that her daughter told her a few days ago: “Our daughter Lili is much smaller than you. She is about to turn three years old. A few weeks ago she looked at me and saw herself reflected in my eyes. And she told me: Mom, I see myself in you. She spoke literally. But I held on to those words in a very different way.”

But they did not forget their son Archie, and when they saw that the students had created a series of robots in a science, technology and engineering class, Harry wanted to share the great love that his son has for everything related to technology. construction. Even so, he also assured that the little boy likes so many professions that he chooses a different one every day: “When I talk to my son Archie about what he wants to be when he grows up, some days he tells me that he is an astronaut, others that he is a pilot… What I remind him is that it doesn’t matter what you want to be, as long as you’re great. What matters is your character,” Prince Harry assured the students.

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