the “dark era” of Eli de Caso, “sick, without problems and without money” Glamorama

the “dark era” of Eli de Caso, “sick, without problems and without money” Glamorama
the “dark era” of Eli de Caso, “sick, without problems and without money” Glamorama

Author: Glamorama / May 16, 2024

“It was a very dark time for me, I was very alone,” recalls Eli de Caso about her departure from television, never to return with big programs and a salary of several zeros, in 2004. This was the story, in Kike’s space Morandé on YouTube, from the 70-year-old communicator who gained fame and was a front-line face in the ’90s thanks to Aló Eli?:

Eli de Caso: “After I left television…”

Kike Morandé: “Did you finish TV there?”

Case: “Yes, in December 2004. Impressive”

Morande: “And never again?”

Case: “Then I was on Channel 13 in a morning show with Karla Constant and Lucho Jara one year. And then nothing more. Never more”

Morande: “And you told me that you had a very bad time.”

Case: “I had a very bad time, because I didn’t have any money saved, because there were many people who depended on me, they couldn’t save and they were sick. Then I was left without money and without money. Fortunately, I had bought a house with some commercials I had done, and I sold that house and with that I got ahead.

“But I spent about a year and a half in the program they invited me to, because I supported myself with that money. I remember that I went to three Vertigo, that I won two cars, that I sold them and with that I lived for a couple of months. I mean, I really had a bad time. “Moreover, sick and alone”

Morande: “Were you single?”

Case: “Yes, I was single. “It was a very dark time for me, I was very alone”

Morande: “After all the success. “Your story is half Hollywood”

Case: “It was all so tragic for me, because I felt tremendously alone, helpless, without money, sick and with many responsibilities.”

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