Ikea promotes play as a basis for the well-being and development of children

On June 11 of this year the first International Day of Play, stipulated by the United Nations (UN) to highlight the importance of preserving and promoting play and its benefits for the health and development of all people, especially boys and girls. On the occasion of the appointment, Ikea has released the report “Play Report 2024”, in which he analyzes the role of play in the well-being of children.

One of the main conclusions drawn by the research is that, in a context of economic uncertainty, climate challenge, geopolitical conflicts and growing inequalities, boys and girls around the world are increasingly concerned about adult issues. Given this, the game is presented as an antidote, an escape route from pressure and stress and a lever to boost happiness.

That is, precisely, the idea articulated by the piece created by the company to publicize the report and its results. Ikea exposes its purpose of contribute to healthy, diverse and equitable gaming through its products and services, in a video starring boys and girls and in which the artist and singer Janelle Monáe has lent his voice.

At Ikea we believe that children are the most important people in the world and that everyone has the right to play. We are committed to integrating children’s rights into everything we do“; said Maria Törn, Head of Ikea children’s, in a statement.”The goal of the Ikea Play Report 2024 is to understand and convey the deepest layers of children’s lives, emotions, needs, behaviors and activities at home, and how that affects their play, happiness and well-being.”.

The report, which is the fourth edition, has been based on surveys of 7,000 children and their parents in seven countries, and has collected the vision of experts from around the world to obtain a global vision of the game. The company also visited 36 families in three countries to understand the game situation at home.

One of the data that the company highlights from the research is that the game is being prioritized more, since 51% of fathers and mothers say that they now spend more time playing with their children than a few years ago. Furthermore, 90% of boys and girls say that they always or sometimes feel happier when they play; and 95% of parents say that their children’s happiness is close or somewhat related to how much or how often they play.

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Despite everything, there is still a way to go. Only 51% of children are happy with the amount of time they have to play and 54% of parents would like to have more time to play with their sons and daughters. Sometimes, this situation finds its origin in socioeconomic factors, time, space and money, which affect the possibility of playing, generating inequalities.

In this regard, Ikea remembers its purpose of making homes more fun and adapted to the needs of all its members. He assures that he has involved children in the development of products through his Kids Advisory Panel, where he receives feedback from 40 boys and girls between 6 and 14 years old from different parts of the world.

Furthermore, the company remembers the role that gaming can play in the training of the professionals of the future. It alludes to 2020 data from the World Economic Forum, which noted that 60% of the jobs of the future have not yet been developed and that 40% of today’s preschool children will need to be self-employed to earn an income. when they are adults. For Ikea, this means that people with adaptive skills, acquireable through play, will be needed.

More info.: Ikea Play Report 2024

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