The movement with which Prince William has marked a turning point in the midst of Kate Middleton’s loss

When the hospital admission of Kate Middleton (42 years old) came to light in January, Prince William (41 years old) marked a before and after in his institutional agenda. At that time and with the advice and approval of his father King Charles, decided to take a break from his public appearances and perform some acts only very punctually. Something that went further when the Princess of Wales announced her cancer diagnosis. William of England was clear that his priority was his family and that he was going to dedicate all the time possible to them, even though this meant separating himself somewhat from the Crown. But with the passage of time, his strategy has changed and today we can talk about a turning point.

Little by little, Prince William has gone increasing his public appearances. It must be taken into account that shortly after Kate Middleton’s hospital admission, King Charles announced that she was suffering from cancer and that he was retiring for a time to focus on her treatment. Despite being the heir, the Prince of Wales decided that he would focus on his family. But inevitably this has been changing. As the weeks have passed, the Duke of Cambridge has had time to assimilate the situation and to understand the importance of his appearance for the image of the Crown and for his reputation in the face of a future in which he it will be time to reign. Issues that would have led him to barely appear, to attend several events every week. Even now that the Windsors have taken a break from certain tasks due to the elections that will be held in the United Kingdom on July 4, the Prince of Wales is still active.

Prince William attends a football match this Saturday

This weekend, Prince William will be in the final of the FA Cup between Manchester United and Manchester City in the stadium Wembley. As reported by the ‘Daily Mail’, the Prince of Wales will appear on Saturday at 3 p.m. at a sporting event to which he has already attended in previous years. What is unknown is whether he will do so accompanied by any of his children. On occasion, Prince William has attended soccer games with one of his little ones. Prince George He is the one who has gone to the most events of this type with his father in a picture that could be repeated tomorrow.

With this gesture, Prince William makes it clear that he no longer even cares about iinterrupt your weekends to meet a work event. A way to mark a different roadmap with which to intensify his commitment to his role as heir after a few months in which the popularity of the British Crown has been affected. An appearance to which we must add those that he has had in recent days and with which he has made different declarations of intentions.

Prince William intensifies his appearances

Right after Prince Harry’s visit to the United Kingdom, in which the brothers did not meet again, Prince William attended an event with his father King Charles. In a gesture that could be interpreted as a hint towards his brother. There, the heir and the monarch were at an event in which Charles of England gave his son a military title. There they made it clear that they support each other. Also coinciding with Harry’s visit, Guillermo took a trip to the coast and showed the most relaxed and relaxed side of him, another way of recovering his good image.

In these last weeks, Prince William has been at other events in which he has given speeches, in which he has put on a military uniform, he has attended a party held at Buckingham Palaces where he has been with other members of his family… Appearances in which he has shown his different facets and the best possible face in these moments that for him are marked by the illness of his wife Kate Middleton.

The extreme situation of Prince William, according to Pilar Eyre

Because, as Pilar Eyre says in her blog in Lecturas magazine, the heir to the British throne is going through a few moments of inevitable anguish. According to the royalty expert, “the illness of his wife and father, raising his children at a very difficult age, the pressure for him to assume his duties and the prospect of becoming king sooner than expected all add to his “terrible state of anguish.”

But prince william knows well that the only way to alleviate certain comments is by attending to his schedule even though this means not stopping and having less time for his wife. An agenda that continues to intensify, revealing a new roadmap with which the Duke of Cambridge faces his worst moment without being able to forget that one day he will be king of England.

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