The spicy crossover between María Becerra and a user who made fun of her plans to celebrate on May 25

The spicy crossover between María Becerra and a user who made fun of her plans to celebrate on May 25
The spicy crossover between María Becerra and a user who made fun of her plans to celebrate on May 25

But the truth is that in the last few hours, the interpreter of Automatic became a trend on the social network

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“They say that May 25 is going to be the coldest day of the year and it may snow… Can you imagine? You start listening to ‘How Could I Love Her’ by Mario Luis with some pastries and a warm tea, then you look out the window and it’s snowing… wow.”he tweeted Calf.

Of course, in a matter of minutes the publication was already trending and the comments were many. But there was one that bothered the singer greatly due to the derogatory tone of the comment from an Internet user who commented on her publication: “These things about María Becerra make me cringe, friend, you always want to be the most villera, the most humble!!!!”.

Thus, the young singer did not hesitate to respond spicy to the user who dared to laugh at her and her plans. “But if it’s May 25 and that day one of the things they eat are cupcakes with ridiculous mates… ARGENTINE patriotic day, but if you want I’ll celebrate by having a skinny caramel macchiato with red fruit topping listening to Celine Dion so that you don’t bother”shot lethal, generating support from the entire network with comments like “at the angle”, “humille queen humille” either “tame and do not stop taming”among many others.

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The annihilating audio of María Becerra insulting China Suárez by J Rei

At the end of last April, an alleged audio of Maria Becerra went viral on the social network China Suarez after rumors that would link her to J Reythe singer’s partner.

A user of China Suarez He got involved with none other than the Quilmes artist’s fiancé, something that generated a great stir among fans.

In the audio that circulated a few hours ago, the voice of Maria Becerra pure insult. However, many other users claim that it is a clipping of one of the singer’s videos from her YouTuber days.

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“So now screwing me with another mine is nothing serious, right? Son of a bitch. “You have the nerve to tell me it was nothing!”The young singer exclaimed very angrily.

And it continued on fire: ”You risked a years-long relationship for something that was nothing. Naaaa, don’t fuck with me. And what a great actor you are, too. In the end they turned out to be lovers.”.

It should be remembered that the China Suarez was in a couple with Rusherking time after the singer broke his romantic relationship with Maria Becerrawhich adds another spice to the scandal that was installed.

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