Nancy Dupláa: “I entered the medium with very few tools and, above all, with a lot of blame for enjoyment and recognition”

Throughout this talk, Nancy Duplaa will remember several times that he grew up in San Martin. But you only need to listen to her speak to understand that Its place is the neighborhood. He has optimism on the surface, he laughs loudly and says that She prefers to talk on the phone rather than put on makeup and turn on the camera. She has been in the business for more than 30 years, but she feels more comfortable with her family in the privacy of her home. “I really like acting and at the same time I don’t like having to put my body and everything that that brings,” she summarizes in dialogue with EPU.

The reason for the call, this time, has to do with his return to the theater. After ten years, he encountered the format again with the help of exit, a comedy in which she plays a human resources director about to face a very big challenge: on her first day at work, she must fire an employee. “That is a responsibility that she couldn’t possibly have, being a head of human resources… Head of nothing, but less of human resources. Here my children are going to agree with me, because I am not very strict, nor very firm at all,” she laughs.

Although doing theater involves a lot of adrenaline for his body (“that, in reality, has to do with the fear of exposure”), he found in Fernanda Metilli and Juan Pablo Geretto, his cast mates, great restraint. As well as in Pablo Echarri, his partner for more than 20 years, who this time works as co-producer of the work. “Because of my particularity, that I am a trustworthy person, I don’t like the media and I am always complaining because I want to be at home, he is an ideal companion. He is all the time doing and protecting me.”

–After so many years working as an actress, do you still get nervous before each performance?

–Yes, half an hour before I start to be restless, so I have to appeal to certain personal tools that I was obtaining, that reeducation that I had to do to be able to be better with myself. I try to come back to myself, lowering the energy, connecting with the breath. But that took me a while, it wasn’t easy. I come from a restless home, I entered the medium with very few tools and, above all, with a lot of blame for enjoyment and recognition.

I was instantly able to buy a car, an apartment, and my parents took much longer than that. That already puts you in a place of difference with your own parents that makes you feel very guilty about earning money. So I had to re-educate myself a lot and be grateful for what life was giving me.

–Does that enjoyment still cost you?

–Yes, especially in a hostile context, Coming from a neighborhood you will always feel guilty. To this day, I am always giving explanations for why things are going well for me. But it is part of my identity, it seems to me that I am going to carry it until my last days (series).

–In addition to a privileged place, what things did you get to do thanks to acting and you would have never imagined?

–Everything: meeting very renowned people, of whom I was very Cholula, like Alfredo Alcón. He was a big fan of Without code, and one day I ran into him because I went to see him at the theater and he said to me: “Nancy! How I have fun with you.” Can you explain to me how the hell this happened to me coming from San Martín? That Alfredo Alcón tells me: “I am a fan of your program.” A lot of those things.

–And speaking of the not so good things in the environment, what do you think is the biggest prejudice that people have about you?

–Well, the media says that I am a lot of things, very lightly… Serious things, which led to me not deserving certain things, like vacations, a house, comforts. Recently, this idea has been discussed: that I, my husband and my family, because I have a certain political idea, We do not have the right to access a lot of opportunities. I have been part of operations, they accused me of things I did not do. And I had to learn to deal with that, because it is a battle that you have no chance of winning. It is very strong, beyond fame and opportunities, to deal with all that that does not let you live in peace.

–Now they have managed to install the idea that if you are an artist and you express your opinion, you are supported by someone. This is something that both you and Pablo have experienced for a long time, but now it is happening to other colleagues who perhaps were not involved in those situations before. Is this radicalized hate speech causing a kind of awakening in the industry?
–Of course, in the absence of a real plot, the fear was lost a little. They say: “You choreás, now you have to go to work.” What other argument do you have? Am I a bad actress? Well, that’s part of the opinion. I may seem like a bad actress to a person; Definitely, you may not come to see me at the theater or not see the novels that I create for my thoughts, and that’s okay. But due to the lack of argument, fear was lost.

The attack that comes from outside when you express yourself is very strong, not everyone can tolerate it, and it is understandable that you don’t tolerate it. Because just as there is a lack of arguments, there is a lack of limits with what they tell you or what they can do to you. Then, one immediately becomes afraid, because it is too much. Someone once said: “It’s like a firing squad.” Suddenly, you throw out an idea and ta-tá-tá. You put a note from me on any invented portal, because they put you on portals that you don’t know what the hell they are, and below is the catharsis of hate. All with the same story, that now I’m going to have to work, that I ran out of envelope…

–They always attack you with the same thing.

–Yes, it’s kind of funny. At first you say: “And this?” But then you lose your fear, and it seems to me that is what is happening to many colleagues. Apart, Our collective is very unequal. It always went well for me, and there are companions that I had in a lot of novels who did not always do well, and who above all have not had the privileges that I had, in any sense: from the wardrobe, to the quality of the characters they offered. So, he who is higher up, he knows that In tragic moments you have to go out and bank transversally to everyone, because not everyone has the possibility of defending themselves or being heard.

It seems to me that this is happening, there is so much irascibility, the nerve and the madness on the other side, that one has to go out and say: “Hey, stop a little.” There is no other choice, and I celebrate it, because I feel a little more accompanied now.

–You were just talking about Pablo. What things do you enjoy doing together after 20 years?

Beyond the moments, because sometimes there are earthquakes, there was always a reformulation in our couple. What has always saved us and kept us going is that we talk in a timely manner. And from the conversation there always came a refoundation to move forward. Pablo is my best friend, He is the person I like to be with the most, he is the one I have the most fun with, the one I trust the most. I don’t know if we do big things, but the little things we do, I like to do with him.

–You have three children (N. de la R.: Luca Martin, Morena and Julián Echarri). If you had to say what each of them taught you, what would you say?
Well, Lucas, the ability to have fun. I took Luca everywhere and we always had a great time. He always adapted, so he was a hyperadaptedpoor thing, but he taught me that, to be well wherever. More, my wife daughter, is our little light in the darkness. Woman in this era… More taught us everything, she taught us to have a different look. I am grateful to life for having had a daughter in this context. And the youngest one is very relaxed, he is not dramatic. So he teaches me that, to relax in the worst moments.

–Luca He found leadership with the help of his father, Matías Martin. Did you give him any great advice when he started in media?

No, my advice is always: “Don’t despair, stay calm, trust your star, do what you like, don’t betray yourself so much.” I’m not much of a counselor, I’m more of a listener and see what happens.

–You recently spoke about bullying in a note and you have a maturity… You said a phrase that stuck in my head: “I always knew how to defend myself and, above all, I always had good friends.” What happens to you when you hear him talk like that?

I almost died, because yes, having good friends is the big difference, and they are the same friends he has had since he was two years old. It’s beautiful, and seeing it in him was a huge support. He developed the ability to defend himself. I overprotected him and I dare to speak for Matías too. The truth is that he was always happy, he was always accepted everywhere. I don’t know… It’s like he developed empathy for himself. Luca is much more than what I did for him. I don’t know how it came out like that.

Photos: Emanuel Combin

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