Joaquín Prat reveals the decision that Telecinco has made with Ángel Cristo Jr. after being expelled from ‘Survivientes 2024’

Joaquín Prat reveals the decision that Telecinco has made with Ángel Cristo Jr. after being expelled from ‘Survivientes 2024’
Joaquín Prat reveals the decision that Telecinco has made with Ángel Cristo Jr. after being expelled from ‘Survivientes 2024’

Since last Sunday, The name of Ángel Cristo Jr. has not stopped ringing. After leaving on his own and leaving the security perimeter of ”Survivors 2024”, all the program’s followers were waiting to know what would happen to Bárbara Rey’s son. They did not have to wait long, since during ‘Survivors: No Man’s Land’, Carlos Sobera announced that the management had decided to sanction the young man, putting an end to his adventure.

The reactions were swift, both by fans and people around them, such as Ana Herminia or Bárbara Rey. In addition, more unknowns began to appear. When would she return from Honduras? Would you attack the contest? Be vetoed by the chain for his defiant behavior? Although many of these questions have been answered, Joaquín Prat has revealed in ‘Let’s see’ the decision of ‘Telecinco’ regarding Ángel’s immediate future after his controversial expulsion.


It all began after the images of Sofía Cristo’s brother arriving at the airport came to light. With the famous helmets to continue isolated and showing off the stick that has accompanied him during his adventure in the reality show, Ángel showed a hesitant attitude towards the press.

Joaquín Prat reveals the future of Ángel Cristo Jr. on ‘Telecinco’

After broadcasting the aforementioned images, Joaquín Prat could not help but make a comment that would reveal the network’s intentions with the former survivor. “He arrives in the company of his colleagues from the production company.arrives with helmets so that they do not give him information from outside and this implies that he is going to sit down and give explanations,” said the presenter.


In this way, despite his harsh words and behavior, ‘Telecinco’ I would like to continue with the audience success that Ángel’s story has generated during his stay in the contest. The most likely thing, as ‘El Televisero’ reports, is that they will dedicate one of the Thursday galas to interviewing Christ about his experience in Honduras and close all outstanding questions.

“These days I was doubting it, but now I have very clear that we will see him on a set. I also think he has the right to explain himself. It is true that he has been expelled, we understand that expulsion, but he also has the right to explain himself, especially because he has been the real protagonist of this week”, Isabel Rábago has said.

Joaquín Prat gives his open opinion on the expulsion of Ángel Cristo Jr.

This is not the first time that Joaquín Prat has given his opinion on the situation of Ángel Cristo Jr. A few days ago, after learning of his expulsion, the television host openly expressed his opinion about his departure and the role that Carlos Sobera had played. And the iconic presenter was in charge of directing the tense ‘Survivors: No Man’s Land’ gala. Something for which Prat wanted to congratulate him. “I want to start sending you a hug and my recognition to Carlos Sobera, who was in charge of one of the most difficult galas to captain. As your partner, all my appreciation,” he expressed.

Regarding the expulsion of Bárbara Rey’s son, Joaquín indicated that he agreed with the management’s determination. “They are the consequences of an individual act on an entire group.and I am referring especially to those people who are working in the production company of ‘Survivors’, who see that they have a guy’s life in their hands and that they have to mobilize a helicopter, the Honduran naval forces… everything that with an impulsive and thoughtless act you generate,” he told his companions.

After this, he launched a theory that he had been thinking about. What is it about? That it is very likely that Ángel’s true intentions were, precisely, to be expelled. By entering a prohibited area, Christ knew that he would have to face a sanction and that this could be, most likely, expulsion.

Ana Herminia’s final step after the expulsion of Ángel Cristo Jr.

Although Ángel Cristo Jr. has been the undisputed protagonist of all the headlines this week, Ana Herminia has not been left behind. The former survivor’s girlfriend was one of the first to speak out after his expulsion, making it very clear that he no longer wanted to remain in Honduras.


“Let it be clear to everyone that Ángel, if he was not expelled, was going to pay to leave. He said it very clearly, the show was over when it began the program. I wanted to go out ever since I went to see him, because I couldn’t take it anymore with everything I was experiencing and I regret having convinced him to stay. But he, for his team, Ángel did it,” she said on the set. She also did not hesitate to share a nice video with some tender words about her boyfriend or to denounce that they did not give her information about his return after his departure.

Of course, what stood out the most is the devastating decision he made after this eventful week: granting an interview to ‘De Viernes!’. The Venezuelan is more than willing to tell everything she he couldn’t say during the Angel contest.

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