Keanu Reeves triumphs with his rock band at Primavera Sound

Robert Mailhouse, Bret Domrose and… Keanu Reeves!, the members of the rock band Dogstar, had their special moment of glory this Friday. Primavera Sound had invited them to perform on a third album that they released last October, which after three decades of existence was a milestone. upgrade very clear for a postgrounge band that if it attracts attention it is largely because of the Hollywood celebrity who hangs his bass on stage.

The expectation was maximum in front of the Plenitude stage, at that time (7:45 p.m.) when the day’s sun gave way to the sea breeze on the Fòrum coastline. And the euphoric screams did not wait the moment the actor speed and My private Idaho He appeared from the side, with the elusive expression of someone who regrets monopolizing the attention of his companions. Occupying the first line were the mature (and fans) who have followed his career – he will be turning 60 – as one of the most attractive figures of the cinematographic star system. But now he had to listen to him as a musician.

Keanu Reeves attentive to the affection, received this Friday, from the public

Alex Garcia

Dressed in a simple black T-shirt and a bass guitar with no obvious brand, he braced himself on the boards every time a new song was about to start, spreading his legs, like an athlete about to receive the attack of the enemy. The plectrum, which in the end he would throw as a gift to the public, was his inseparable ally. And when he lost it at some point, it became evident that his fingertips had no callus formed to pluck the strings of the electric instrument. In a hurry, with a look of catastrophe!, he stopped playing for a second to bend down for another…

His colleague, singer and guitarist Bret Domrose, evoked good times by wearing a T-shirt with the digital signs from the cover of Gosht in the Machine, The Police’s fourth album. And he vocally defended each song with enough skill to suggest the best when they decided to do a cover: nothing less than Just Like Heaven, by The Cure, moment of general madness. The joy could not be greater…

Keanu Reeves, with his bass, on stage at Primavera Sound

Alex Garcia

Reeves, who remained focused while the crowd of photojournalists focused only on him, to the right of the stage, ended up smiling at the affection of the audience. “It must be hard that they are scrutinizing whether he really plays well or is, as it seems, a mediocre bassist,” said an Irishman clinging to his wife… “She is a big fan of Keanu. I think what happens is that people are envious of those who are so good in so many fields at the same time…”

The 50′ concert came to an end after having covered original songs – perhaps the best – and some of their new work titled Somewhere Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees, which has put them in the spotlight of expectation and criticism.

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