Toto Kirzner revealed why he doesn’t use a computer

Toto Kirzner revealed why he doesn’t use a computer
Toto Kirzner revealed why he doesn’t use a computer

Toto Kirzner’s confession of why he doesn’t have a computer

“I haven’t seen anything from the series yet, because I don’t have a computer,” the actor revealed in dialogue with La Nación, about the reason that didn’t allow him to watch the series as soon as it debuted on the digital platform. Furthermore, he said that he could see it on his cell phone, since he does not have a computer, but he was not seduced by that option either.

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Toto Kirzner confessed that he does not have a computer.

“I could only see the material by phone, but it seemed ridiculous to me in the face of such a series,” said the 25-year-old, who preferred to wait to see his work on a device with a better screen than what his cell phone could offer. In addition, He told the reason why he does not have a PC at home: “I was never a computer guy, not even to play games.”

What Toto Kirzner said about his future plans

In the middle of the interview, he talked about streaming programs and his desire to venture into the field, after being invited on several occasions to Luzu y Olga, where today he has his place in one of the panels. “I was a guest a lot and I found that I had fun, so I’m going to think about doing something with that,” he acknowledged.

“It would not be a macro undertaking, but rather an individual project, the idea of ​​a guy who turns on the computer and does something,” he noted about his desire to start his own project, but he encountered the difficulty that he did not have a computer. To address that challenge, he decided to make an investment and buy one, even though he is not a big fan of technology. “I already bought it,” he said.

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Toto Kirzner spoke about his future plans.

The drama that Toto Kirzner lives

The son of Adrián Suar and Araceli González had a great 2023. He was part of the cast of the strip Buenos Muchachos (El Trece) and was part of the group of prestigious actors who star in the play Votemos, with six weekly performances at the Metropolitan Theater. At his young age, that is a reason for happiness and, at the same time, a complication.

“I had a great time this year…”, shot Toto Kirzner in Todo Pasa (Urbana Play). “I am a very anxious person… I found myself with a tremendous cuckoo: The work context, the pace it has to have and the energy I had to put in. And I had a demand that unlocked my mental resistance,” explained the actor.

“All of that hit me, I had a lot of anxiety, it was tremendous… I was surprised by the times, the demands and the demand. That had not happened to me before. It is literally a meat grinder to be recording a daily strip and at the same time doing commercial theater,” expressed Toto, comparing this experience to underground theater and the more sporadic recordings he had experienced before.

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