Carolina Escobar referred to the present of Good Morning to All

Carolina Escobar referred to the present of Good Morning to All
Carolina Escobar referred to the present of Good Morning to All

En conversación con Página 7, Carolina Escobar se refirió al presente del Buenos Días a Todos.

Recordemos que el espacio de TVN no ha logrado repuntar en sintonía, quedando relegado en varias oportunidades al cuarto lugar.

En ese contexto, la periodista se refirió a su exprograma, el cual animó junto a su gran amigo Gonzalo Ramírez. “He visto poco, tengo poco tiempo para ver televisión, sobre todo en las mañanas”, partió diciendo.

Saber qué hacer para mejorar el rating es tan difícil, no sé si soy la persona indicada para dar un consejo”, añadió.

Carolina Escobar y presente del Buenos Días a Todos

However, and despite initially remaining cautious in her reflection, the communicator highlighted professionalism of the state channel team.

“I know that the daily struggle is part of what it means to be (on screen), I think it’s super good, and I know they do it, have the peace of mind when you are on the air and not be worried about the ratingbut to be focused on the interview you are doing or the message you are delivering, and I am sure they are doing it,” she commented.

“Like everything, there are better days and worse ones, which is the morning life with its ups and downs, so we have to give it no more children, with great desire,” he added.

Finally, Carolina Escobar analyzed the performance of María Luisa Godoy and Eduardo Fuentes in command of the Hello, everyone.

“I have seen them well, they are great television professionals, in addition, they are Kevin Felgueras from the press department, who joined this duo. I think it’s a super entertaining trio.”, he stated.

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