He is the son of the “bad guy” in Argentine novels. but he chose another path in Spain: “That’s what fills you”

He is the son of the “bad guy” in Argentine novels. but he chose another path in Spain: “That’s what fills you”
He is the son of the “bad guy” in Argentine novels. but he chose another path in Spain: “That’s what fills you”


“Reaching people with your music, with your acting, with your feelings… that’s what fills you. That’s why they ask you for photos later, because you are doing something rightbecause you are interested. I lived it with my dad and I want people to get excited with what I do,” he said. Facundo Navarro from Spain, while that special shine of desire, pride and ambition was reflected in his eyes. In an intimate interview with THE NATIONhe 23 year old musician He remembered his childhood on the recording sets with his father, the actor Adrian Navarrohis theater debut under the direction of Osvaldo Laport and reaffirmed his desire to succeed in the music industry as a singer.

Much of Facundo’s childhood was spent “behind the scenes” while he watched on the monitors how his father acted, Adrian Navarro. He was a child standing on an immense universe of cameras and scripts and without realizing it he understood that he not only wanted to be a “spectator” in that world, but also be part of it. ”At first he didn’t understand much. He told him: ‘But dad, how are you here with me and also on TV?’. It was fantasy to me. He had a moment that didn’t stop for a second and I was with him, I accompanied him. It was very fun to be able to live the experience,” Facundo told THE NATION.

When he was a child, Facundo always accompanied his father, Adrián Navarro, to recording sets.Courtesy Facundo Navarro

He witnessed his father’s success from the front row. After his outstanding participation in Monte Cristo (2006) where he played Federico Solano, Adrian Navarro starred in the next big hit prime time from Telefe, Taken lives. Was the wicked and cynical Dante Mansilla, the right hand of Astor Monserrat (Jorge Marrale). Although he was one of the “villains,” his performance received applause and his popularity grew exponentially.

“My dad never showed us TV. We were more family, movies and dinner, no showbiz. Once I remember we went to the set of Taken lives and introduced me to Facundo Arana. He was all friendly, he asked me if he wanted us to take a photo and I had no idea who he was. The diabolical dwarf told him: ‘No, if you want, take a photo with me,’” Facundo recalled with a laugh. Today, however, he has a very good relationship with the actor.

Facundo Navarro on the set of Vidas Robadas where his father was recordingCourtesy Facundo Navarro

Although his memories of some childhood situations are somewhat blurry, what he does keep in mind is that although They ran his father away to ask for a photo, that did not bother him because, as he warned, it allowed him to “live the experience in a fun way.” “If they come to you asking for photos it is because you are doing something right.“People are interested in you and for me, my dad is in the Top 10 Argentine actors,” he emphasized.

Although many knew who his father was, Facundo recalled that his parents made sure that both he and his sister Violeta (19) had a normal childhood at school. They always reminded him that It was Facundo Navarro and not “Adrián’s son”. “My dad is and will continue to be my idol, my reference. I get emotional when I think about him. She always accompanied me and my sister. “They took care of us with my mother and gave us all the love.”

At eight years old, Navarro went from spectator to protagonist. He got his first job as an actor in The defeated, film directed by Javier Torre. There he played the son of the protagonist who, by the way, was his father. “They needed the character’s son and I was just considering his age. For all the movies I was in I did casting, I didn’t get cast in any of them.”, he clarified. And with this first acting experience, the artistic seed began to germinate, to the point that in 2017 she acted in the film Leave the light onwhere he played the child version of his dad’s character.

But Facundo not only inherited his love for art from his father, but also from his mother, Florencia Fernández Feijóoaudiovisual producer and professor at the Film University (FUC). Although no one told him that he had to be an actor, given the professions of his parents, he felt that this was his path too. Even, influenced by his mother, in 2011 he joined the theater group Catalinas South in Mouth. There he met the rapper Mateo Palaciosknown to all as Thunder, and began a friendship that prevails to this day. She even considers him an inspiration in her own singing career.

Navarro made his film debut at the age of eight and his first work in theater was under the direction of Osvaldo Laport.Instagram @faqufly

When he finished high school he began to give free rein to his acting career. In 2019 she filmed The stick housea horror film directed by Sebastián Sarquís and, although he also played his father’s son, it was his first work as a co-star.

And the truth is that he liked seeing himself on stage.

That same year, Facundo found out from his maternal grandmother, Cristina Piñaessayist and official biographer of Alejandra Pizarnik, which would represent part of the writer’s life in theater. After casting, he was selected to be part of the cast of Pizarnik: in the Snake Cluba work directed by Osvaldo Laport which was presented at the Teatro Seminari de Escobar and which marked his theatrical debut.

The experience of being coached by Laport was very good.. He told me: ‘Facu, not like that.’ And I had to learn. I was 18 years old and I wanted to learn as much as possible. Sometimes I am somewhat temperamental and working with my dad was a challenge -because in the end he is my dad-, but Osvaldo took me along a path in which I was able to develop and develop myself,” she pointed out.

At 19 years-old, Facundo went backpacking to Europe alone, but when he returned to Argentina, full of ideas, energy and new goals, his projects were somewhat truncated. Because? Pandemic. With no possibility of casting, he decided to immerse himself fully in another world: “I took three courses in home studioI bought a computer, a speaker, a sound card and a microphone and I learned to make music on my own”. Although this art was present in his life since he was little – at the age of six he was given a guitar – it was only then that he discovered how much he really liked it.

That personal search and his desire to grow in the music industry led him to pack his bags and move to Spain, where his father already lived. “I went in search of a better quality of life, opportunities and growing as a person,” he explained. Although his idea was to continue with music, he always left the door to acting open. And little by little things began to fall into place. “In Madrid, the only way to meet people is to go out. On my first outing I met the producer Álvaro Fouz from Vision records and I partnered with the production company as an artist and partner.” What does this imply? Who not only makes his own songs, but also searches for new artists and organizes performances.

‘Fly Qu’ has already released two singles, is working on his first album and will soon perform again at the Café Berlin in MadridCourtesy Facundo Navarro

With the accompaniment of the producer, Facundo put all his energy into composing his music. So far he has released two singles: “Ice In Ma Veins” and “Lolabony”, both available on Spotify. In addition, she performed at Café Berlin, in Madrid, where she not only performed these songs, but also some of the ones that will be included in her first recordwhich, according to plans, will be released in the near future.

Navarro has his own musical style that ranges between Rap, Trap and Hip Hop, although he also wants to do Rock, Electronic and Funk. “It happens to me that I like everything and I have to start somewhere,” he commented with a laugh. “I am constantly working on training myself as a musician and I know that in the future I will do everything I can.”, he argued and pointed out that he already has several topics written.

By betting fully on her career as a singer, the 23 year old decided to use a stage name, “Fly Qu”. “’Fly’ (in Spanish, fly) is by the idea of ​​going far. The ‘Q’ is from Facu and I added the ‘u’ because I feel that it gives it more ownership, it completes it,” he explained. On the one hand, he wants to see himself “flying up” and on the other, Facundo, “he is always present.”

In parallel and in line with his multifaceted personality, ventured into modeling. Currently, she works with some clothing brands and is committed to having good content on her social networks as her letter of introduction to the public. “I like fashion and taking good photos. Also It’s part of creating the character Fly QuWho is it and what does it do?. I don’t want to pigeonhole myself into being a rapper and having to wear my cap on the side. I am me. I like to carry my own presence and play with my tools“, said.

Facundo is a fashion fan and works on his career as a model.Instagram @faqufly

At 23 years old, Facundo Navarro He shows himself as an ambitious, confident artist eager to make his way in the artistic world. Although he knows that the road is long, he is willing to travel it and dreams of standing on stage in front of millions of people. ”I want to do something new, create a new path. I want to make films, whatever, in Spain, Argentina or Italy. If the opportunity presents itself I will be there“, he assured, while he is already planning the next shows he will give at the Café Berlin in Madrid.

“My father is and will continue to be my idol,” said Facundo about AdriánCourtesy Adrián Navarro

Today it is Adrián who also accompanies “behind the scenes”. “He supports me in music and wants to see me happy.” Although he would like to have an acting project with his father, he also feels the need to continue flying on his account. “I want to come to light a little and be recognized as Facundo Navarro and Fly Qu. I’m not looking to be famous, but to be an artist, and for people to be able to hear and feel my music. Being recognized for your work is the most valuable thing.”, he stated. And precisely, what she had always admired about his father, today became his own personal desire.

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