A sad childhood, a woman with great relationships and the painful process that turned her into a mother: Graciela Borges, the great Argentine actress

A sad childhood, a woman with great relationships and the painful process that turned her into a mother: Graciela Borges, the great Argentine actress
A sad childhood, a woman with great relationships and the painful process that turned her into a mother: Graciela Borges, the great Argentine actress

Graciela Borges turns 83 this Monday, June 10

Her talent is immense, she has an unmistakable voice, her beauty is dazzling and she is the Argentine actress par excellence: Graciela Borges, the last great diva of Argentine cinema, that this Monday, June 10, he will turn 83 years old in the middle of a move: she will leave her house in Pilar that she has lived in for years to settle in a new home and spend the rest of her days.

About this special day, in a brief dialogue with Teleshow, Graciela stated: “I don’t believe in numbers and ages, and I’m not going to celebrate it. Whenever these dates arrive I don’t know what to say. Moving causes me a lot of stress. After 52 years living in this place that is full of memories, I am going to a much smaller apartment, in front of the Brazilian Embassy, ​​because where I am is very big for me.”

In your document it appears with the name of Graciela Noemí Zabala. He was born on June 10, 1942 in Dolores, province of Buenos Aires. She lived with her parents and attended an Irish nun’s school where she had many difficulties with her classmates because they laughed at her voice. She was very skinny, very pale and had dark hair. “I had the saddest childhood in the world. That prescribed, I don’t know why I’m telling this. I had a very lonely childhood. I grew up in absolute solitude. That is why the books were wonderful for me,” she recalled in April 2013, when she was encouraged to tell part of her childhood.

Graciela Borges as a child. “I had the saddest childhood in the world,” said the actress in a television interview (Photo: Instagram)

Recognized both for her acting talent and for her unique personality, Borges has been honored and awarded throughout her career, establishing herself as a true icon of the seventh art. Since her childhood, she demonstrated a passion for performing arts that led her to explore the world of film and theater. At 15, she got her first big break in film. A date with life, directed by Hugo del Lanemarking the beginning of a prolific career in the film industry.

Over the years, Borges participated in a wide range of film productions, working with renowned directors and standing out for his talent and versatility in each role he played. His association with Leopoldo Torre Nilson He made her his inspiring muse, collaborating on films that left an indelible mark on the history of Argentine cinema.

In addition to his outstanding career in film, Borges ventured into television and theater, leaving his mark on each project in which he participated. He obtained numerous awards and distinctions, highlighting the Silver Shell in 1971 for his performance in Chronicle of a lady and his Martín Fierro award for his contribution to the television industry. She was the protagonist of The Swamp (2001)a film shot entirely in the province of Salta, directed by Lucrecia Martel that won a dozen awards and was chosen as the best national film of all time.

In 2006, the prestigious magazine Vogue of France distinguished her with the title of “the great actress of Argentine cinema”, a recognition that highlights his exceptional contribution to the world of cinema. Furthermore, she was named Illustrious Citizen of the City of Buenos Aires and has received numerous distinctions around the world for his career and legacy in the film industry.

Graciela Borges in La Cienaga

But the life of Graciela Borges transcends the screens, with episodes that have marked the collective memory. One of her most remembered chapters is her affair with Paul MCCARTNEY during his stay in England, a story that dazzled the world and reflected his fascinating lifestyle. Although he surprised many, Borges did not limit himself in matters of love, fully living every experience that life offered him.

Between trips that she used to make to Mexico in 1998, there was talk at that time about the passion that united her to the young soccer player. Marcos Gutierrez, former goalkeeper of the Huracán de Parque Patricios club, who had settled in the Aztec country after accepting the offer first from Toros Neza (1997-1998) and then from Necaxa (1999). It was a relationship that caused surprise in the gossip press because he was a year younger than Juan Cruz Bordeu, the actress’s son.

Graciela had begun a romance that did not fit with her status as an aristocrat in the world of cinema, and after being married to Juan Manuel Bordeu, the rancher with whom she married in Mexico, precisely in December 1966, to separate in the winter of 1972.

“Marcos is an endearing person. His way of being impressed me. Juan CruzMy son appreciates it very much. Yes, my own son approved of the people that Marcos is,” the artist was encouraged to tell those around her in those years. However, some time later, and after the end of the relationship, she analyzed her courtship with her now former player. “Here in Argentina, I have a son, a mother, a house, a career. I can’t leave everything to run in search of something called feeling. With Marcos I felt very comfortable, we lived in the moment… But we couldn’t have projection. We had no future. While it lasted it was a very beautiful, very valid relationship. That while it lasted…”

For his part, Gutiérrez also kept fond memories of that time that love lasted. “We continue to have a relationship because very strong personal things have happened to both of us in those moments that we were together. She was very close to my family in some health problems, I was also very close to her family. That strengthened the human part. Beyond the fact that the relationship was cut off, we always had that contact of saying we were in good and bad times,” said the athlete in statements a few years ago to Infobae Sports.

“I had never measured it, I didn’t think about the importance it would have, I took it as another link. I couldn’t go out anywhere, it was impossible. Those six months before going abroad were overwhelming, because I was leaving my house to train and I had a photographer guard, they wanted to see the scoop. I had to talk to the editor of a magazine to ask them to lift everything“Marcos recalled that he lived those days with the artist.

Marcos Anguila Gutiérrez and Graciela Borges

“The Gutiérrez are a family that I adore, I am godmother of one of their nephews, the mother sleeps at home when she comes to see the doctor; I’m more of a friend of the family than of him now. But the story is always sensuality… and he sent me flowers and champagne,” she once said. Grace.

Graciela was not lucky in love. He cried a lot when he broke up with Bordeu. “He’s eating in the corner. And here I am, not knowing what to do…” she said. Her thing with Juan Manuel had been like Cinderella’s dream. Her mother lived with her in an apartment on Virrey Ceballos Street. That’s when she started filming in 1957. Her parents were already divorced. Zavala, her father, had remarried and one day, in 1986, Graciela introduced her half-brother, who was rarely seen afterward.

“I have had great colleagues, many repeated. For example, Lautaro Murúawith whom I fell in love when I was 15 years old, in End of party. He was wonderful, with that head, an extraordinary man. Alfredo (Alcón) was glorious. “When he got angry it was terrible,” he said when he participated in the cycle. Confessions of Infobae.

Graciela Borges with Raúl de la Torre (Photo: Greats of the National Scene). The image belongs to the movie “The Feared Hell” (1980)

When she had a long affair with the director Raul de la Torre, they couldn’t reveal it. He had a family and Graciela had hers. But she, at least publicly, was separated from the man in her life, with whom she lost her virginity at the age of 21, according to her own confession.

While her love with Raúl lasted, and between films, many of them conceived with capitalists sought by the actress herself, Graciela had several romances. One of them with a man with gray hair, called Jorge Busso. She was also linked with Raul Lastiri when he had been provisional president, which Gra denied. Also with a 78 World Cup champion footballer: Leopoldo Jacinto Luque. “When I found out that he was not divorced, I stopped seeing him,” he once confessed.

The day Graciela Borges spoke about the arrival of her son into her life (Video: Canal de la Ciudad)

Borges also remembers how she became a mother after going through several obstacles that led her to lose three pregnancies. “Juan was highly anticipated because he had previously lost three boys, two very ugly and the third was the most terrible because I started losing blood when I was at the Berlin Festival. alone. I say ‘alone’ because she was accompanied by men and no one knew how to proceed, it was very difficult for the Germans to help you. I had to return on a plane, it was an intrauterine pregnancy that almost caused my death. Afterwards I did a fierce and at the same time wonderful treatment in which Juan was born. “I left everything and dedicated myself to that process.”

Today, Juan Cruz, recognized for his talent in literature and photography, has left his mark in various areas of his life. In 2015, he released a book of photographs, a work dedicated with love to his daughter María Jesús and Ileana González, his ex-partner. This publication not only demonstrated his artistic prowess, but also his deep bond with his family. This interest in reading goes back to his childhood, where his mother instilled in him a love of literature and the importance of reading.

Despite his prominent presence in the literary and artistic sphere, Juan Cruz prefers to keep a low profile in his personal life. Away from social networks and the media, he seeks to protect his privacy and avoid media exposure. His low-key approach reflects his desire to stay true to himself and focus on what really matters: his family and his passion for literature.

Graciela Borges and her son Juan Cruz Bordeu

In February 2023, Graciela Borges officially announced her retirement from acting on the big screen. The interpreter explained that the last two films of her-her together with Juan José Campanella (The tale of the weasels, in 2019) and Pablo Trapero (The stillnessin 2018) – he liked them but they made him “very tired” and that is why he would not participate in any more filming. “I suffer from burnout, like Sandra Bullock and Brad Pitt. Which means something like ‘being burned’”he claimed.

In any case, his passion for theater remains intact. In recent months, the actress reunited with her audience to share stories and anecdotes that portray different moments in her life. Accompanied by the voice and guitar of Adriana Barcia, presented the piece Alchemy, where the public could fully enjoy an intimate encounter with the star loved by all.

After an extensive and successful career that made her an undisputed reference, the legacy of Graciela Borges will endure in the memory of those who admired her and in the history of Argentine cinema, where her name will forever shine as one of the greatest exponents of the seventh art.

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